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Dyed Hair for First Time

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Dyed Hair for First Time

#104529 Posted on 2017-05-12 13:09:13

I got my hair dyed for the first time a few weeks ago, and it turned out well. I hated the hair style at first, but I think it is growing on me. My hair is blue and purple. It is really nice and vibrant. I was horribly worried it wouldn't come out well.
I will have to get it done in a few more weeks before it really fades.

Yay or nay on the hair style?
Should I do the same color, but with black ends after the purple?

These pictures are when I first got it done:

These are from today because I've been too lazy to take pictures until now:

Last edited on 2017-05-12 at 13:43:13 by Kanuna

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#104535 Posted on 2017-05-12 14:04:33

i like it! I had mine done purple and loved it so I think I am going to get it this color //

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#104566 Posted on 2017-05-12 17:13:56

Loveeee it. You should keep the color

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#104569 Posted on 2017-05-12 17:28:45

Never been a fan of unnatural colored hair, but it looks nice on you! Suits your eyes well, good choice in colors :)

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#104576 Posted on 2017-05-12 18:59:00

Eclipse Moon Stables:
Thank you! That color is unique, BTW. I really like it. You should get it! 

Secretariat's Seabiscuit:
I will keep it for a while! It was honestly an experiment at first, but it turned out well. :) I like my hair salon. They do a great dye job. 

~ Botania ~
Surprisingly, I am not a fan of colored hair either. It depends on the person who wears it, if the color is good, and the color. I have seen some amazing dye jobs on people, though, and wanted to experiment.
I was actually going to just get my hair dyed really dark brown, or reddish brown, nothing out of the ordinary - but went all the way on the other end of the spectrum. I never wanted unnaturally colored hair, but I wanted something cool. 
Thank you! I will keep it for a while. :)

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#104577 Posted on 2017-05-12 19:02:26

I love it ♥ I'm a HUGE un-natural colored hair fan. But due to my job I'm 98% sure I cannot dye my own hair. Yours is amazing and I'm so jealous ♥~♥

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#104580 Posted on 2017-05-12 19:10:32

I think Reddish would be super, if you chose that next time :o I've learned dark hair suits well on paler skin tones, from my experience at least. I wore a blonde wig once for Halloween..oh boy. I'm so pale to the point where some days I look ill, but WOW, did that thing wash out all my color xD I'd say definitely stay with darks. You seem pretty fair from the pictures. 

Suggestion: I'm not sure if this is even possible, but it'd be killer if they could use an ordinary color, but add some sort of sheen to it? Like, in the light it'd be kinda greenish blue, or, as you have now, purple? It'd be normal out of sunlight, funky in sun? ;D Best of both worlds then, eh?

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#104600 Posted on 2017-05-12 20:54:59

Aw, I'm sorry! That is the problem with some jobs. I'm sure when I start my job in a few years, I will not be having this hair color. LOL. Thank you though. ♥ What color would you get if you could?

~ Botania ~:
My dad is a red head, really deep dark red. I'm basically his twin, so I think red hair would probably fit me. I am Irish/Native American, so I can be fair skinned unless I spend a lot of time outside. I prefer really dark hair anyways; light colors just don't fit my personality. Lol. 
Yeah, I agree. It is better to stick with dark hair if you are very fair skinned. :O

Thank you for suggestion, I'm not sure if that is possible. I'm no expert. It might be. I have seen some really weird dye jobs, and you wonder how they even did them. It kind of reminds me of the oil spill hair dye jobs. Those are amazing. 

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#104607 Posted on 2017-05-12 21:33:49

I'm Irish as well :) Among a whole bunch of other things, cajun, English, all that jazz, lol. 

Yet redheads can pull off some pretty light, reddish shades..what witchcraft is that?? Lol, maybe the freckles are key.

Oil spill hair?! How does that even work..Oil spill hair just makes me think of really greasy hair! xD Next thing you know, holographic hair will be a thing. Like those 'glitter roots' *Shivers* Bleh, so much mess. 

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#104624 Posted on 2017-05-13 05:41:03

Lolsss. Yeah, I'm working as a Deli Clerk and lucky enough they're OK with me bleaching my hair. I just have to go every 6 weeks on the dot to have my roots bleached so my hair looks presentable. (Which tbh doesn't matter because I have a black hairnet on 24/7?) But I'm happy blonde so yay for that (: I used to dye it red for the longest time when I was younger (unnatural red), then switched to a stage where I was like "omg my fav singer dyed his hair black with blonde on top I wanna look like himmmmm" and proceeded to do that and it looked like a skunk stripe. (Plus found out I'm allergic to only black hair dye). Finally I tried blue (non of the above 3 colors were with bleaching btw) and within an HOUR it faded to old lady gray, thus became an emergency 1 week later hair appointment to bleach my hair for the first time and never go back xD

If I could dye it right now, I'd go either dark blue (which I bought the dye for a month before I started work) orrrrr pastel pink ♥ Though both would involve buying new clothes to match. I mean, my entire closet was bought and shaped around my blonde-ness so I feel it would change a little bit xD

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#104625 Posted on 2017-05-13 06:21:32

Yaya two other Irish players!! I am Irish as well! I love unnatural colored hair I think it looks awesome!!

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#104643 Posted on 2017-05-13 10:40:35

Looks amazing! Love the colors! :D
I've only ever dyed my hair once, and I absolutely loved it. One side of my hair was black, and the other was natural shiny brown so when I parted my hair, the brown on the black looks like a dark gold.
But it didn't last long, and then I cut my hair super short. I may just do it again, who knows.

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#104646 Posted on 2017-05-13 10:59:45

Those colors are amazing! I've dyed my hair many times but that was in my teens & 20s before I became disabled. I've had blonde, black, red, red/purple. I've wanted to do blue but no one would help me. My friends were not the adventurous type. lol! My husband has helped me dye my hair but I haven't dyed it in years.

I really like how your hair is styled in the 2 newer photos! It shows the colors but would look good on you even with your natural hair color.

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