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Oh look, a Bopper!

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Oh look, a Bopper!

#104305 Posted on 2017-05-10 10:38:59

Howdy Diddly Guys!

Look who is back for awhile! Ive missed EV a ton so I'm going to try my best to be on more regularly. How is everyone? Ive noticed a few changes here and there, looking very fancy if i do say so myself. Im excited to be back for awhile so feel free to pm me if you'd like to catch up!

What have i been up to?

Im sure a few of you might be wondering where I've been and why i left. I left a few months back to get some space and focus on my life outside of EV. My life has improved greatly so i think its time i return! Ive been quite busy these past months. Ive spent an enormous amount of my time with friends, my horse, my new job, and family. Over the months my mental health took a little bit of a spill, i had some not so pleasant thoughts because of stress and anxiety but my friends have pulled me threw! Thank you to everyone who supported me ♥. Aside from all that, my 4 year old mare Phoenix is doing fantastically! She has improved greatly and id be more than happy to share a few pictures with you guys if youd like. I also recently started working at an assisted therapy barn near my home. This job has been loads of fun working with the children and horses. I have benefited greatly and id like to think I've helped a few people along the way too. 

How is everyone?

Im very curious to know what I've missed! I hope everyone is doing wonderfully and i cant help but say I've seen some fantastic art work and posts going around on forums. Great job everyone! I cant stress enough how happy i am to be back and see all these familiar faces, well names if you'd like to get technical xD. So please share anything you feel is curtail for me to know! like i said in the beginning, i will be doing my best to get on regularly to check up on everything and respond to messages! Can't wait to get settle back in to my online home :). 

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#104307 Posted on 2017-05-10 11:02:39

So happy to see you back! I'm sorry to hear you had a rough patch but it's wonderful that things are going well now!

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Valzed ❤️ 🐀 🐀

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#104308 Posted on 2017-05-10 11:06:03

"And I bopped him on his head and my paws were so big! We make such a good team!"
-Kiara to Kovu

Bopper!!!! :D 

*Tackles in a big bear hug*

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#104311 Posted on 2017-05-10 11:50:31

Thanks guys! So happy to see you two :D *hugs* 

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