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How do you make digital art

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How do you make digital art

#102716 Posted on 2017-04-27 14:07:35

Hi I was just wondering how to make digital art or what is the best way because it looks fun but I have no idea how. Thanks

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#102718 Posted on 2017-04-27 14:19:38

First things first you need a program to do your art on..

There's so many different software's you could use but to get started i'd recommend Gimp, Fire Alpaca (or medi bang paint pro). There is also Photoshop cs2. all of these are free downloads too so that's a plus, however for updated versions of Photoshop you will need to pay.

you can look up tutorials for most of these programs on how to get a certain effect or hoe to use which brush setting, it's also fun to explore the program yourself. you can also use premade line arts and bases which you can colour in (it's best if you had a program which enables layers).

also if you really enjoy making digital art you can always invest into a graphics tablet which i find makes the job a lot easier. :)

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