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Horse For Sale Ads

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Horse For Sale Ads

#101117 Posted on 2017-04-14 23:04:08

I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW ANNOYING VIDEOS ARE ON FOR SALE ADS!!! The horse trots for five minutes straight and the video is like six minutes. And there are jump-cuts instead of seeing the beautiful (probably not) up or down transitions. And there are zero special moves shown. Like it's cool that your horse can trot in circles for five minutes straight, but I want to see flying lead changes, half passes, sliding stops, spins, liberty tricks. AND if you're going to advertise your horse as a multidisciplined horse, YOU SHOULD SHOW THE HORSE IN ALL OF THOSE DISCIPLINES!!! Like if your horse is advertised as an eventer, you should show the horse doing dressage, jumping and XC. Who else has this problem?

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The Dark Lady

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#101257 Posted on 2017-04-16 03:53:39

What sort of horses are you looking at? You've covered a really large area in your post. It sounds like you're talking reining or something for the most part? Which I know nothing about.
What I do know is that advertisements vary widely between horses given that age, breeding and training all factor into it (as well as the seller's ability to market).
If I sell my older horse there will be flying changes, half-steps etc in the video because he's at that level and the video should reflect that if I want to sell him into the right market (and for the right price!).
My younger horse, he's green broke so there would probably be a very basic video attached to him. Dare I say it, probably 5 minutes of trotting.

I mean, if you're looking at 1.50m show jumper and they only show it over cross-rails, then yeah, that's an issue and bad advertising - perhaps even deliberately misleading - on the part of the seller.

Also, as a side note, I've found many people overestimate their horse's height and it's current level. So there's that to consider as well.

Horse buying is a minefield and I don't think I'd ever buy off a video exclusively. Much safer to see the horse and make sure I "gel" with it. You can't tell chemistry off a video.

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#101280 Posted on 2017-04-16 09:05:13

I think, least how I interpreted from your rant, Dark Lady, is that what she means is just, generally speaking, people will post videos for sale horses that don't speak of what they actually claim they can do....?

I have never bought a horse off the internet, but I have looked around, just for fun. :p It too has been my experience that people post videos of horses they claim to be "awesome deal, does it all" that don't actually show the horse doing any of the things that they can do, supposedly....

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