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Need Advice! Recent Graduate on the hunt

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Need Advice! Recent Graduate on the hunt

#100192 Posted on 2017-04-06 19:14:21

Hi everyone!

I am in desperate need of some advice. I just recently graduated from a university with a Bachelors of Science, with a major in Biology, a concentration in Environmental, and a minor in Earth Systems Science.

I am struggling to find a job within the environmental and/or conservation field.

Currently, I mainly use to find job postings, can anyone recommend some other websites that might be helpful in finding entry level biology jobs?

Thank you :)

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#100193 Posted on 2017-04-06 19:21:07

Definitely check any sort of government related sites in your area (state and local for listings). My husband has a government job with the school district and he's pretty much set for life. Grats on your recent graduation! I was considering going into Wildlife/Environmental Biology myself until i got into Women's Studies... lol. I would also look into local research facilities (or anything coming close to that, labs, etc.) as well as checking any local schools/colleges. I know a lot of state stuff does tend to end up on indeed, but you never know. Good luck!

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#100200 Posted on 2017-04-06 19:57:55

I'd do some research on conservation corps. It's usually a lot of physical labor, and seasonal but you'd get experience. And they're all over so you could choose where to work :]

Also the University I graduated from has a bio jobs email list that they send out...and usually those are like local govt, townships, etc you could also see if your uni has a similar list as well. If you're in the USA, try usajobs, but govt jobs can be super hard to get.

If you type in conservation jobs to search, I believe a lot of websites come up that may serve you better than Indeed

Also, I think it is technically against the EV rules to ask for advice but there's my two cents for ya. I graduated last April with a degree in biology and have casually started looking for jobs (working as a wrangler at a dude ranch this summer and have been traveling) but so far what I have experienced has been not so great haha

Last edited on 2017-04-06 at 20:08:30 by marigold sunshine

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#100204 Posted on 2017-04-06 20:44:01

The forums are not meant to be used for real-life advice, as per the Terms and Conditions. :|

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#100259 Posted on 2017-04-07 10:51:12

Woops, sorry!!

But thank you guys for the advice! Appreciate it:)

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