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Big favor to ask everyone!

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Big favor to ask everyone!

#100168 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:33:44

Hello everyone!
I have a huge favor to ask of you! So I am a senior currently, and in order to graduate, I need to complete a senior project about any issue there is today. I chose to do puppy mills. I need at least 20 people to take this survey, so if you guys could help me out, I would be really grateful!

PS. If you own a dog from a puppy mill, its fine. This isn't meant to shame anyone! I got one of my own dogs from a pet shop, and I am sure she came from a mill. This is just based on people's knowledge, and opinions.
If you don't own a dog, you can still take this survey!

Thank you!

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#100169 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:46:43

done! It's a shame that this is still a rising issue.

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#100171 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:49:39

Thank you!
It really is, and a lot of the time buyers don't even know what the parent dogs go through. I hope this issue receives more attention soon.

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#100173 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:51:20



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#100174 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:51:30

Filled it out! Good luck with your project, and great topic!

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#100175 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:51:42

Done! This is a subject near and dear to my heart. My mom has a puppy mill rescue. He was used as a breeding male, and while he's only 6ish now, he was so badly abused that he trusts no one other than my mom, and sometimes not even her. We've had him a over a year now, and I still can't even touch him. He lived in the back of a truck with several other dogs. Poor thing is so sweet, and tries so hard to be good with people, but he just can't escape the fear from his past. It makes me so sad that people can just use and abuse these animals, and not care a thing about their wellbeing.

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#100176 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:56:26

Thank you everyone! I knew I could count on you all!

That's so sad Nebula, I hate how heartless people can be. Its good to know that he is loved now, and there are people like your mom out in the world. :)

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#100190 Posted on 2017-04-06 18:51:34

I just did it.
Thank you for doing it on Puppy Mills. I have encountered too many dogs affected by them. You are amazing.

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#100237 Posted on 2017-04-07 05:38:12

Just finished mine. So so\ad this is still a thing but it is. We had a full blooded doxie that they said never had them any puppies. She had one pup for me and I'm glad she did. Ihave since lost her and the father to the pup but the puppy has turned out tobe me best friend

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#100254 Posted on 2017-04-07 08:45:56

All filled out. Great project on am important issue. We've had 3 dogs all of whom we adopted from shelters. This is an issue that really matters to my family.

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#101812 Posted on 2017-04-20 01:11:15

OK filled it out not sure if it to late but hope that helps. Great topic BTW.

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