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A Farewell to Scout

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A Farewell to Scout

#100027 Posted on 2017-04-05 12:57:19

Those who know me and my characters well, know my main character based off of my real life horse, Scout.

Today is the day we say goodbye to him.

I am not a bad owner, I am not an abusive owner, I am not a neglectful owner.
I am an owner who, for the past four years, has struggled with mental health. I am diagnosed bipolar depression and anxiety disorder (social anxiety to be specific), and am hardly capable of taking care of myself. My motivation has been at an all time low (hence my disappearance lately) and my anxiety has sky rocketed these past two days. I'm going through a really hard time, and the past two days have really made it worse.
I'm not looking for pity, this is not a self-pity post, this is an explanation as to why I have made the decision to let my first horse, my heart horse, go. It's been an amazing two years with him, and I'm excited for his future. He has just turned three and has got a huge open door for where he can go from here. He knows his manners, he knows who I am, and he's got personality. He's an amazingly smart horse, he's lovable, and he's damn cute.
Scout will be with a horse friend who trains and breeds horses for two months to have some additional training, and basically breaking with a possibility of starting under saddle work. After those two months, he will be gone for good. Sold.
I'll never forget the guy. I'll be in my late thirties, early forties when he passes, and I'll always remember him.

So alas, here are some of my favorite pictures of him to end this goodbye.

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#100031 Posted on 2017-04-05 13:15:48

What a cute little nugget.

I know it can be really hard to make these kinds of decisions. I have mental health problems (along with physical health problems) that make life very difficult sometimes. My guy just turned 9 and I've done virtually nothing with him in the 6 years I've had him. Depression is a heck of a beast.

Horses have great memories, though, and I'm sure he'll remember you for the rest of his life.

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#100049 Posted on 2017-04-05 15:09:45

Awww, He's cute! I myself suffer from mental illness issues and understand how hard it can be to take care of yourself let alone anyone else or any animals. Thankfully, I have my husband to help me with my fur-babies and he's been amazing at understanding my situation. It's always hard to say goodbye, but it's also good to know what you can handle and what you can't. It sounds like you're doing the best thing for him.

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#100099 Posted on 2017-04-05 20:28:12

seems like there are a lot of us here with emotional/mental illnesses (i have depression, anxiety, and executive dysfunction), and none of us are going to judge you ♥

i ride when i can and otherwise content myself with feeding treats and grooming or just spending time with my guys. i do feel a bit guilty that i've managed to do almost no retraining with my OTTB since he came off the track, but i have to remind myself that he doesn't care. there have been times, though, that i've seriously considered just getting out of horses altogether, so i totally understand your decision and applaud you for doing what's best for your horse and yourself.

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#100105 Posted on 2017-04-05 21:44:55

Horses and animals have an amazing ability to forgive no matter what we do or don't do for them. As long as you show them love they will love you in return. You can also ask that once he is sold and finds his new home that they email you about his progress and maybe be allowed to see him once in awhile. The last point i want to make is no true horse person would ever judge another. You did one of the hardest things any horse person has to do.... you loved him enough to let him go. I have not had another horse since i sold my babies many years ago. My first horse that i learned to ride on I kept track of him until he passed. You still miss them but at least you get to track them and see what they become.

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#100109 Posted on 2017-04-05 22:29:50

Hugs Wey! I totally understand! Sometimes, we have to let those we love the most go. If you ever need someone to talk to, about ANYTHING, I am here. Hugs ♥ :D

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#100130 Posted on 2017-04-06 07:23:26

No judgment- it sounds like you are being responsible and making the best decision for him.

He's soo cute and handsome. I know this is a tough choice for you. Sorry you have to go through it :[

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#100172 Posted on 2017-04-06 17:50:16

@vos - that's how it's been for him :( i stopped doing things with him months ago. i feel horrible.

@c.razy - same. he recently turned three and i had always been so excited to start him under saddle a little after his third birthday but i completely failed :( i didn't even realize it was his birthday either.

@magic - i've been told to do that a few times now. i definitely want to, but it's difficult because he isn't going to be sold through us and i don't know what kind of contract the trainer has when selling, or if she even has one. the most important thing to me would be to require offering scout back to us before going to anyone else if he were ever to be resold.


but thank you everyone else :( glad to see there's no judgement and lots of people who have been through the same thing. i feel like a crappy owner. i couldn't even be there yesterday when they moved him to the new barn. he has a farrier appt saturday and i want to go but i'm scared of the trainer judging me and also just don't have the motivation to go :( he's such a cute little guy, and so smart.

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#100351 Posted on 2017-04-08 12:01:43

Go. Go to the appointment. You will regret not going far more than you would regret going. Your heart tells you you want to go; listen to it. You aren't a crappy owner, you're an owner making a really difficult decision for the health and happiness of your horse. That shows how much you truly love your Scout. The trainer's opinion of you is irrelevant. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to disregard the judgment of others (I doubt the trainer will judge you in a bad way, though), but this moment belongs to you and Scout. It is important to you to see your Scout again. Go. See your Scout, tell him how much you love him. Look at him and realize that you are doing what's best for him, even though it is so difficult for you. That is the greatest proof of your love there is.

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