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Tack and Genetics!

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Visible Tack!

I'm very excited to release a new feature on Equiverse which I hope you will all enjoy!

Equipped tack will now show a visual on the horse it is equipped to.

Updated Scaling
Two breeds have had image updates to scale them down a bit, as they were unintentionally quite oversized compared to the other breeds.

Arabian and Mustang have been resized. If you notice any images that look a bit wonky because they haven't been sized down yet, first please try a "hard refresh" - press CTRL+F5 together. If the image still doesn't update, please report it on the bug board as it's likely I haven't updated that particular color.

Can we turn tack off?
Not yet. Please give it some time, see how you feel about it. If you decide that you definitely don't want tack visible on your horses, don't worry - I will eventually be coding in an option to switch tack visuals off of individual horses.

Missing Tack
Tail Guards are currently not included in the tack visuals. This is due to the way the art is currently set up, where tails are connected to the main base artwork. We want to gauge how tack visuals are received before going through the additional work to separate tails from the base art so that we can add in tail guards.

Additionally, there will be no Splint Boot artwork on breeds that have fluff around their hooves, for example, Clydesdales.

New Genetics System

I have now implemented the new genetics system. Yay!

Equine Center Basic Colors
There is now a greater diversity in what colors and markings can be generated from purchasing horses in the Equine Center. I have allowed slightly rarer color modifiers through along with the usual colors that we've seen plenty of times before.

Genotype Auto-Fixing
I have introduced a new system which will try to detect any horses which acquired a gene that they're not technically allowed to have on Equiverse (naturally, what horses are allowed in real life is up for debate most of the time). When horses are bred from now on, a check will be run on the sire and dam's genotype to make sure that they have a valid genotype. That means it will check to see if a) a genotype exists, and b) there are no genes which are incorrect (e.g. "Ata" in Welsh Ponies).

If there is an anomaly, the breeding script will try to fix the parents' genotypes before allowing a foal to be bred. It will try to match as closely as possible, so "Ata" would be changed to "Aa" as opposed to "AA" or "aa".

Please be aware of this - for example, it can happen when someone else breeds a mare to your stud. If your stud has an incorrect genotype, it will be fixed when he is bred to.

In the event that something went wrong, any gene changes will be logged in your userlog. If you have any problems, please contact me in private messages.

Does this mean higher accuracy in genotypes for horses?
Previously we have had some stumbling blocks with regards to some horses not getting certain genes, or passing on a blank genotype to foals. This new system is completely reliant on information from the database rather than from my coding which means there is less room for error. So yes, there should now be higher accuracy in genes acquired through creating horses in the EC and breeding foals.

What is available in which breed?
You can now see what genes are available for all breeds by visiting individual breed pages from the Statistics page. They will be separated by brackets for each gene type showing which combination of alleles are allowed in each, e.g. [EE|Ee|ee]

Are you still doing genotype reports?
I have spent some time going through genotype reports, fixing what is immediately obvious to me. Unfortunately I haven't been through them in a while and I suspect some coat changers have been used on a fair few of them, so the reported data no longer matches what's on the horses. I have now cleared all existing genotype reports and have disabled the ability to report new issues with the hopes that the new auto-fix system will catch most of the problems.

Smaller Updates

- Accounts and horses will now automatically lock after 2 days of inactivity in case of real life emergencies.
- You can now see the birth base stats that the horses you own were born with (the stats that cannot be converted - additional stats are added on, so they are not true "birth" stats). The stats table has been added next to the "Private Notes" text box.

More updates will be along next week :)

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Posted by

Abbey 🌸

Posted on
2017-01-26 08:33:49


Great update! Thank you! ^ _ ^

Posted by

Leta (#40141)
29th January 2017 at 00:51:52

I love all the new updates! So awesome!

Posted by
Dark Cloud (Breeding) (#100064)
29th January 2017 at 06:57:55

I can't seem to get rarer colours from the equine centre now :/
I've spent close to 60k today trying to get a pretty black Arabian foal from the EC, but EVERY single time has been chestnut or bay...

Posted by

Paige0912 (#84797)
5th February 2017 at 23:17:27

Could the update 'Accounts and horses will now automatically lock after 2 days of inactivity in case of real life emergencies.' be optional? Usually I will not log in for 2/3 days since the horses won't die, but I do keep them boarded.
Right now my account got locked after I just unlocked my account 2/3 days ago, and all my recently boarded horses are not boarded anymore. Not a big problem, but I pay for 7 days of boarding.

Would love this option (to lock an account after 2 days) to be a possibility, or be able to change the amount of days. Or even to be able to board horses 1 or 2 days.
Just something a little different so that it does not feel like throwing away my equiverse-money on board-days that are not being used, LOL. xD

Posted by
Rivella (#101048)
9th February 2017 at 13:48:35

I feel the same as Rivella, while the new auto-lock is great, the 2 days is too short, I have to take care of my account manually no auto-care/vet etc so I often take a break for 2 or 3 days because of real life, it'll be beyond frustrating having to reboard so many horses then pay all their boarding fees all over again every 2 days. I love it because it means my horses won't die, but maybe extend the days before it locks? Or make it optional?

Posted by
Blue Jay (#99225)
13th February 2017 at 05:31:38