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Rike's Horses

☽ Colour The Moon ☾
N2 {N} Monotony ?
6 year old Chestnut Akhal-Teke Stallion (-2783 days paid)
Stats: 188 Conformation: 53.63 Points: 21742 Specialty: Show Jumping
N5 Chuck
0 year old Bay Quarter Horse Colt (not boarded)
Stats: 337 Conformation: 62.63 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N3 Cull
6 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 238 Conformation: 56.63 Points: 7796 Specialty: Dressage
L4 Fancy
0 year old Bay Andalusian Filly (not boarded)
Stats: 533 Conformation: 66.73 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Grade needs to be corrected R1 GR Royal Rain
14 year old Bay (Gray) Andalusian Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 603 Conformation: 67.26 Points: 27640 Specialty: Dressage
N3 Lunatic -RUS-
3 year old Smoky Black Trakehner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 210 Conformation: 62.58 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N5 Mine
0 year old Chestnut Paint Horse Filly (not boarded)
Stats: 344 Conformation: 60.3 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 New Foal
1 year old Bay Paint Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 467 Conformation: 62.28 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N4 New Foal
2 year old Black Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 295 Conformation: 59.24 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R1 New Foal
1 year old Bay Andalusian Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 681 Conformation: 73.83 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Grade needs to be corrected N4 Star
11 year old Bay (Gray) Paint Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 263 Conformation: 54.63 Points: 10806 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected N4 x
6 year old Gray (White) Paint Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 259 Conformation: 61.63 Points: 22144 Specialty: Western