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ℙ Cast ℙ's Horses

Unassigned Horses
N1 ᵒᵉᵒ Scooter's Rookie
0 year old Dunskin Appaloosa Colt (4 days paid)
Stats: 2174 Conformation: 76.66 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 90%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days
N1 Skippy Rookie ᵉᵉᵉ
0 year old Classic Cream Champagne Dun Appaloosa Filly (8 days paid)
Stats: 2203 Conformation: 74.08 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 90%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days

1.0 Project Red Mares
Breeding cooldown L3 Athena 59
20 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 623 Conformation: 59.18 Points: 22926 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown R1 [WDF] Fire & Ice 61
17 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 907 Conformation: 61.29 Points: 12830 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L5 [WDF] Dean's Baby 60 RC
15 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 891 Conformation: 60.86 Points: 13104 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L5 [WDF] Celestial Queen 61
15 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 809 Conformation: 61.93 Points: 12822 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown R1 [WDF] Jazzy Fox 62
9 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 928 Conformation: 62.9 Points: 2874 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L5 [WDF] Impala Fire 61
9 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 872 Conformation: 61.46 Points: 4036 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L5 [WDF] Baby SpIce 61
8 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 898 Conformation: 61.51 Points: 2870 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L5 [WDF] Celestial Ice 62
8 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 900 Conformation: 62.19 Points: 2888 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L4 [WDF] Copper Star 59
8 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 735 Conformation: 59.67 Points: 2490 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown L2 ◦°˚ Appalachian Dream 56
6 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 511 Conformation: 56.53 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown L1 ◦°˚ Red Hot 55
5 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 461 Conformation: 55.17 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
L3 [WDF] If You Can Dream 61 RC
4 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 598 Conformation: 61.48 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L3 [WDF] Jazz Dreams 61 RC
4 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 579 Conformation: 61.17 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L4 DragonFyre 56
4 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 756 Conformation: 56.47 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
L3 Illusion Of Stars 54
3 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 667 Conformation: 54.16 Points: 0 Specialty: None
1.1 Project Red - Stallions
R4 [WDF] Mortiferum Miraculum62RC
11 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1546 Conformation: 62.02 Points: 2818 Specialty: Dressage
R1 [WDF] Rose In Hand 61
9 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 933 Conformation: 61.26 Points: 2852 Specialty: Dressage
R2 {SSP} Archdemon 61 RC
6 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1067 Conformation: 61.17 Points: 3008 Specialty: Dressage
L5 Iron Flame 56
5 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 798 Conformation: 56.57 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
L4 Werther's Original 56
4 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 768 Conformation: 56.24 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
R1 [WDF] Sebastian 60
4 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 912 Conformation: 60.68 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L5 ℙ Wild Apollo 59
3 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 886 Conformation: 59.08 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L4 [WDF] Answered Dreams 62 RC
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 709 Conformation: 62.45 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L4 [WDF] Mysterious Stranger 62RC
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 743 Conformation: 62.42 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L3 ℙ Newsworthy Phoenix 61 RC
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 607 Conformation: 61.31 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L4 ℙ Appalachian Baron 61
3 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 761 Conformation: 61.42 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
1.2 Project Red Foals
R1 ℙ Dark Star 61
2 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 999 Conformation: 61.93 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 ℙ Persephone 61 RC
2 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 666 Conformation: 61.84 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 [WDF] Ruby Mystery 62 RC
2 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 496 Conformation: 62 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Iron Faith 55
2 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 539 Conformation: 55.51 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Mons Somniator 58
2 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 873 Conformation: 58.75 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Hot Iron 55
2 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 517 Conformation: 55.9 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Athena's Flame 59
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 502 Conformation: 59.51 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R2 ℙ Miraculo Filce 60
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 1164 Conformation: 60.46 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Night Terrors 60
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 706 Conformation: 60.72 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 ℙ Wild Original 57
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 644 Conformation: 57.32 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Twisted Iron 55
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 471 Conformation: 55.32 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Appalachian Original 55
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Stallion
Stats: 523 Conformation: 55.94 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R3 ℙ Wild Grace 61 RC
1 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1333 Conformation: 61.96 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Copper Flame 60
1 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 748 Conformation: 60.78 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Original Goddess 57
0 year old Chestnut Friesian Filly
Stats: 496 Conformation: 57.18 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Iron Impala 60 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 691 Conformation: 60.27 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R2 ℙ Dark Apollo 62 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Colt
Stats: 1056 Conformation: 62.87 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ MysterICE 61 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 783 Conformation: 61 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Celestial Dreams 64
0 year old Chestnut Friesian Filly
Stats: 733 Conformation: 64.32 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Arizona Ice 62 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 791 Conformation: 62.48 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Light & Stars 61 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Colt
Stats: 854 Conformation: 61.76 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R4 ℙ Grace In Fire 62 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Colt
Stats: 1374 Conformation: 62.42 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R3 ℙ Miraculum Musicum 62 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 1209 Conformation: 62.43 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Mysterious Red 57
0 year old Chestnut Friesian Colt
Stats: 491 Conformation: 57.19 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Wild Light 62 RC
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 535 Conformation: 62.44 Points: 0 Specialty: None
2. Friesians - Mares
Breeding cooldown N5 I See The Light 62
12 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 350 Conformation: 62.38 Points: 4026 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown N4 ℙ Queen Of Shadows 58
8 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 311 Conformation: 58.25 Points: 16110 Specialty: Dressage
N3 ℙ Sweetbay 59
7 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 249 Conformation: 59.63 Points: 7254 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown N4 ℙ The Last Lost Girl 59
7 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 299 Conformation: 59.38 Points: 8898 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown N4 ℙ Yesterdays News 60
7 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 268 Conformation: 60.25 Points: 7394 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown N3 ℙ Then She Was Gone 61
6 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 252 Conformation: 61.75 Points: 3108 Specialty: Dressage
N4 ℙ Divine Rivals 59
5 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 283 Conformation: 59.13 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L3 ℙ Jolie Fille 58
5 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 596 Conformation: 58 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
Breeding cooldown R1 ℙ Secret Queen 61
5 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 968 Conformation: 61.03 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L4 ℙ It Girl 59
4 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 747 Conformation: 59.97 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown R1 ℙ Dilectus Pupillus 58
4 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 998 Conformation: 58.4 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
Breeding cooldown R2 ℙ Twilight Shadows 61
4 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 1159 Conformation: 61.6 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
2.1 Friesians - Stallions
Available for stud Na1 [WDF] Twilight Grace 63
10 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1894 Conformation: 63.3 Points: 1458 Specialty: Dressage
Available for stud R3 ℙ Shawdow Of Death 60
4 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1208 Conformation: 60.44 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
Available for stud L4 ℙ Arizona Sweet Tea 63
4 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 740 Conformation: 63.05 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N1 We Hunt The Flame 60
4 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 140 Conformation: 60.88 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
R2 ℙ Stand In Twilight 60
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1150 Conformation: 60.2 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
R2 ℙ Twilight King 59
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1138 Conformation: 59.26 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
R1 ℙ Secret Sky 58
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 926 Conformation: 58.27 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
Available for stud R2 ℙ Light & Grace 63
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1157 Conformation: 63.46 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
R2 ℙ Twilght Bay 60
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1104 Conformation: 60.4 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
L3 ℙ A Demon's Passion 59
3 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 603 Conformation: 59.22 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
2.2 Friesians - Foals
R1 ℙ Wings Of Grace 58
2 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 1036 Conformation: 58.31 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Heaven's Light 63
2 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 835 Conformation: 63.55 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Secret News 60
2 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 825 Conformation: 60.77 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R5 ℙ Dreaming Of Twilight 64
1 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 1562 Conformation: 64.27 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Dulce Sinus 61
1 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 852 Conformation: 61.16 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R1 ℙ Twilights Gone 62
1 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 1030 Conformation: 62.06 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Arizona News 62
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 430 Conformation: 62.39 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Lost In Arizona 61
0 year old Black Friesian Colt
Stats: 438 Conformation: 61.72 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 ℙ Dressed In Shadows 62
0 year old Black Friesian Filly
Stats: 646 Conformation: 62.61 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R1 ℙ Twilights Gone 62
0 year old Black Friesian Colt
Stats: 1036 Conformation: 62.24 Points: 0 Specialty: None
3. Shetland Ponies
Breeding cooldown N5 Moira 60
15 year old Classic Dun (Gray) Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 402 Conformation: 60 Points: 5746 Specialty: Driving
N4 From Blood And Ash 59
9 year old Chestnut Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 265 Conformation: 59.75 Points: 18784 Specialty: Driving
N4 Dead Silence 58
8 year old Sooty Classic Dun Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 308 Conformation: 58.13 Points: 18908 Specialty: Driving
N4 My Dark Desire 60
8 year old Black Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 299 Conformation: 60.63 Points: 17508 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown N4 Hail 59
7 year old Black Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 309 Conformation: 59.25 Points: 2688 Specialty: Show Jumping
Breeding cooldown N4 ℙ Spin The Dawn 60
7 year old Red Dun Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 275 Conformation: 60.13 Points: 9266 Specialty: Driving
L3 ℙ Casteel Da Neer 59
5 year old Chestnut Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 629 Conformation: 59.23 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown N5 ℙ Dark Runaway 64
4 year old Chestnut (Graying) Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 338 Conformation: 64.06 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown N5 ℙ Aspen Dawn 63
4 year old Bay (Graying) Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 342 Conformation: 63.79 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
N5 ℙ King Bixby 59
4 year old Bay Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 340 Conformation: 59.82 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
L2 ℙ Swear To Bixby 58
3 year old Chestnut Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 490 Conformation: 58.94 Points: 0 Specialty: Racing
L1 ℙ Silver Ash 59
3 year old Sooty Dunalino Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 462 Conformation: 59.63 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown L3 ℙ Silence Is Golden 60
3 year old Sooty Bay Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 614 Conformation: 60.45 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown N5 ℙ Dark Disaster 60
3 year old Brown Dun Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 373 Conformation: 60.1 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
Breeding cooldown N4 ℙ Of Toffee And Tarts 61
3 year old Bay Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 266 Conformation: 61.05 Points: 0 Specialty: Driving
L3 ℙ Dawn Of The Dragon 66
0 year old Bay Shetland Pony Colt
Stats: 579 Conformation: 66.34 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Little Tart 65
0 year old Classic Dun Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 511 Conformation: 65.02 Points: 0 Specialty: None
3.1 Shetland Foals
L1 ℙ Cinderella Is Dead 58
3 year old Sooty Palomino Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 468 Conformation: 58.74 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Silver Sparrow 59
3 year old Sooty Seal Brown Cream Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 471 Conformation: 59.88 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Spinning Web 61
3 year old Seal Brown Cream Shetland Pony Stallion
Stats: 463 Conformation: 61.86 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Miss Willa Colyns 61
2 year old Chestnut Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 414 Conformation: 61.47 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Charlotte's Web 59
2 year old Sooty Classic Dun Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 512 Conformation: 59.19 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Larkspur's Ash 60
2 year old Buckskin Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 423 Conformation: 60.88 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L2 ℙ Black Widow 60
1 year old Sooty Classic Dun Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 530 Conformation: 60.22 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Firey Dawn 58
1 year old Bay Shetland Pony Mare
Stats: 843 Conformation: 58.75 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N4 ℙ All Hail Bixby 61
0 year old Bay Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 285 Conformation: 61.33 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Golden Gwen 58
0 year old Sooty Bay Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 697 Conformation: 58.08 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L1 ℙ Larkspur's Silence 60
0 year old Sooty Grullo Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 467 Conformation: 60.37 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N4 ℙ Bixby In Neverland 61
0 year old Red Dun Shetland Pony Colt
Stats: 309 Conformation: 61.35 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Meyaah Liessa 59
0 year old Grullo Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 691 Conformation: 59.76 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 ℙ DarkDragon 64
0 year old Classic Dun Shetland Pony Colt
Stats: 582 Conformation: 64.36 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Dark Fires 57
0 year old Red Dun Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 883 Conformation: 57.52 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L4 ℙ Spinning Gold 57
0 year old Red Dun Shetland Pony Filly
Stats: 710 Conformation: 57.34 Points: 0 Specialty: None
6. Rescues & Schooling Horses
Available for stud Na3 🎖 Tamlin
20 year old Flaxen Cremello Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Stats: 2501 Conformation: 68.18 Points: 7182 Specialty: Driving
Available for stud R4 🎖 Pippin
18 year old Silver Buckskin Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Stats: 1439 Conformation: 69.7 Points: 9038 Specialty: Driving
R3 🎖 Seine
14 year old Red Dun Grade Horse Stallion
Stats: 1229 Conformation: 85.46 Points: 15632 Specialty: Western
R5 🎖 Myth
12 year old Chestnut (Gray) Dutch Warmblood Gelding
Stats: 1650 Conformation: 59.32 Points: 9554 Specialty: Show Jumping
7. Sales
L5 [WDF] Ruby Star 61
21 year old Chestnut Friesian Mare
Stats: 858 Conformation: 61.36 Points: 18756 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale N4 ℙ Sky And Breath 57
8 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 311 Conformation: 57 Points: 15490 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale N3 ℙ Queen Of Myth And Shadow 56
8 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 264 Conformation: 56.63 Points: 12566 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale N4 ℙ For Glory And Honor 57
7 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 295 Conformation: 57.13 Points: 8626 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale N4 ℙ I Am No Man 56
6 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 267 Conformation: 56.13 Points: 952 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale N4 ℙ Wings Of Night 57
5 year old Black Friesian Mare
Stats: 267 Conformation: 57.13 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
Available for sale L2 ℙ Figaro's Passion 56
5 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 493 Conformation: 56.32 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
Available for sale R5 ℙ Spring Court Sunset 64
3 year old Palomino Gypsy Vanner Mare
Stats: 1722 Conformation: 64.48 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Available for sale I5 Bookshops & Bonedust
0 year old Black Trakehner Colt
Stats: 5514 Conformation: 97.51 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L5 ℙ Wild Star 61
0 year old Chestnut Friesian Filly
Stats: 828 Conformation: 61.3 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na3 W Sterling Moon 73
16 year old Dunalino Appaloosa Stallion
Stats: 2352 Conformation: 73.96 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Breeding cooldown R5 Scooter's Luigi 69
11 year old Silver Smoky Cream Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 1624 Conformation: 69.66 Points: 11112 Specialty: Western
R4 Max Warrior 70
7 year old Buckskin Appaloosa Stallion
Stats: 1499 Conformation: 70.94 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Breeding cooldown R5 𝔇 | Misty Rose | ᵂ 69
6 year old Perlino Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 1595 Conformation: 69.18 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Na3 𝔇 | Rookie Smokin Fools | ᵂ84
2 year old Smoky Black Dun Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 2458 Conformation: 84.52 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na5 ℙ Celestial Crown 75
1 year old Cremello Dun Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 3138 Conformation: 75.94 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na4 ℙ Midsomer Rose 70
1 year old Palomino Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 2835 Conformation: 70.18 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na4 ℙ Sterling Silver 72
1 year old Buckskin Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 2802 Conformation: 72.57 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na3 ℙ Rookie Moon 77
1 year old Smoky Cream Dun Appaloosa Stallion
Stats: 2324 Conformation: 77.77 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na2 ℙ Dun Famous 75
1 year old Palomino Appaloosa Mare
Stats: 2236 Conformation: 75.27 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na2 ℙ Tempting The Moon 73
0 year old Seal Brown Cream Dun Appaloosa Filly
Stats: 2202 Conformation: 73.81 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na2 ℙ Misty Lotus 78
0 year old Smoky Cream Appaloosa Colt
Stats: 2243 Conformation: 78.35 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na3 ℙ Summer Moon 75
0 year old Dunalino Appaloosa Filly
Stats: 2417 Conformation: 75.27 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 ℙ Sun & Moon 78
0 year old Buckskin Appaloosa Filly
Stats: 2299 Conformation: 78.67 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 ℙ Loves Warrior 70
0 year old Silver Buckskin Appaloosa Colt
Stats: 2394 Conformation: 70.97 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 ℙ Supreme Temptation 72
0 year old Smoky Black Dun Appaloosa Colt
Stats: 1812 Conformation: 72.16 Points: 0 Specialty: None