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monstera's Horses

Sub Division
Na1 W | Spicy Seasoning
5 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 1859 Conformation: 72.28 Points: 348 Specialty: Western
N4 J | Parable
5 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 315 Conformation: 56.95 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
N4 J | Eve
5 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 316 Conformation: 53.91 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
N4 J | Z400
5 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 312 Conformation: 56.27 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
N5 D | Miss Marcy May
8 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 341 Conformation: 56.5 Points: 5730 Specialty: Driving
N5 J | Friday Night Lights
10 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 342 Conformation: 55.88 Points: 13156 Specialty: Show Jumping
N5 J | GSX-R
10 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 354 Conformation: 55.88 Points: 13424 Specialty: Show Jumping
N5 J | Timbersky
11 year old Black Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 391 Conformation: 56.75 Points: 17436 Specialty: Show Jumping
N5 J | Beatrice
11 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 359 Conformation: 50.88 Points: 16230 Specialty: Show Jumping
The Gents
I2 W | Song of the Season | 3700
2 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3721 Conformation: 86.77 Points: 0 Specialty: None
I2 W | R1000 | 3600
3 year old Bay Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3700 Conformation: 66.24 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
I2 W | Whiskey In The Woods |3600
3 year old Smoky Black Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3707 Conformation: 70.11 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Legacy In May | 3400
4 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3460 Conformation: 77.68 Points: 400 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Legacy In Lights | 3400
4 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3446 Conformation: 73.48 Points: 240 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Malebolge | 3400
4 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3461 Conformation: 73.94 Points: 330 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Biker Boi | 3200
4 year old Buckskin (Graying) Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3254 Conformation: 79.44 Points: 100 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Yellin Timber | 3200
4 year old Dunalino Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 3278 Conformation: 77.07 Points: 300 Specialty: Western
Available for stud I5 W | Smokin' Song | 5500
6 year old Silver Dunskin Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 5578 Conformation: 94.53 Points: 2606 Specialty: Western
The Ladies
I5 W | Irish Maiden | 5200
1 year old Silver Classic Dun Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 5241 Conformation: 93.42 Points: 0 Specialty: None
I3 W | Miss Opera | 4000
2 year old Silver Dunskin Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 4095 Conformation: 79.78 Points: 0 Specialty: None
I2 W | Brewed In Hell | 3600
3 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 3697 Conformation: 74.38 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Na4 W | Zippy Glacier | 2800
3 year old Grullo Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 2841 Conformation: 76.13 Points: 100 Specialty: Western
Na5 W | Whiskey In The Air | 3000
3 year old Silver Moreno Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 3007 Conformation: 79.94 Points: 90 Specialty: Western
I5 W | Irish Jig | 5600
4 year old Silver Black Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 5684 Conformation: 93.02 Points: 180 Specialty: Western
I1 W | Miss Wisteria | 3300
5 year old Classic Dun Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 3312 Conformation: 71.35 Points: 350 Specialty: Western
Na2 W | Cleo | 2200
5 year old Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 2214 Conformation: 74.72 Points: 0 Specialty: Western