N2 Blue Moon
5 year old Bay Paint Horse Mare
(-903 days paid)
Stats: 175
Conformation: 57.25
Points: 6946
Specialty: Western
N2 Dun It With A Crown
5 year old Chestnut Paint Horse Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 169
Conformation: 54.38
Points: 6866
Specialty: Western
N2 Freckled Snow
4 year old Classic Dun Appaloosa Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 177
Conformation: 55.63
Points: 4200
Specialty: Western
R5 Freja RRG
2 year old Silver Buckskin Paint Horse Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 1080
Conformation: 95.93
Points: 0
Specialty: None
N1 Gold Cowboy
1 year old Dunskin Paint Horse Stallion
(not boarded)
Stats: 3033
Conformation: 95.62
Points: 0
Specialty: None
N1 Grey Cloud
2 year old Black Paint Horse Stallion
(-903 days paid)
Stats: 123
Conformation: 59.13
Points: 0
Specialty: None
N1 Might Be Light
1 year old Seal Brown Appaloosa Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 1314
Conformation: 74.39
Points: 0
Specialty: None
N2 Moon's Flower
5 year old Chestnut Appaloosa Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 171
Conformation: 58.63
Points: 8470
Specialty: Western
N2 Princess In Diamonds
5 year old Bay (Graying) Appaloosa Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 182
Conformation: 57.5
Points: 7940
Specialty: Western
N2 Sweet Señorita
5 year old Gray (White) Paint Horse Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 180
Conformation: 60.5
Points: 6894
Specialty: Western
N2 Wild Sunset
5 year old Bay Appaloosa Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 181
Conformation: 54.25
Points: 6726
Specialty: Western