Grade needs to be corrected
I4 {QH}
6 year old Cremello (Graying) Quarter Horse Stallion
(-975 days paid)
Stats: 4176
Conformation: 91.6
Points: 0
Specialty: Western
I5 Alabaster Sun 95.59
12 year old Silver Perlino Dun (Gray) Andalusian Mare
(-973 days paid)
Stats: 5165
Conformation: 95.59
Points: 5340
Specialty: Dressage
6 year old Cremello Andalusian Mare
(-980 days paid)
Stats: 6900
Conformation: 95.65
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Classic Dragon
13 year old Silver Dunskin Andalusian Stallion
(not boarded)
Stats: 5345
Conformation: 97.51
Points: 8134
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Dimas Sun
9 year old Silver Perlino (Gray) Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 5760
Conformation: 95.68
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Emerald City 95.25
5 year old Silver Dunskin (Graying) Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 6934
Conformation: 95.25
Points: 4060
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Flame of Troy
7 year old Cremello Dun Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 6355
Conformation: 91.52
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Flying Love 96.67
4 year old Silver Classic Dun Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 6800
Conformation: 96.66
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Glow of Love
11 year old Silver Bay Andalusian Mare
(-983 days paid)
Stats: 9607
Conformation: 93.02
Points: 4280
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Lonely Love 96.44
5 year old Silver Bay Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 6515
Conformation: 96.44
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Moonlight Love 94.78
5 year old Chestnut Andalusian Mare
(not boarded)
Stats: 7150
Conformation: 94.78
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Sunny Challion
9 year old Dunalino (Gray) Andalusian Stallion
(not boarded)
Stats: 5104
Conformation: 86.44
Points: 18160
Specialty: Dressage
I5 Troy Challion
13 year old Silver Buckskin Andalusian Stallion
(not boarded)
Stats: 6455
Conformation: 87.02
Points: 0
Specialty: Dressage