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Allyatci's Horses

N1 Coale
1 year old Grullo Appaloosa Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 178 Conformation: 59.15 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Gho
1 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 108 Conformation: 52.5 Points: 0 Specialty: None
L3 Hawa
1 year old Classic Dun Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 503 Conformation: 61.24 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Kare
1 year old Black Paint Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 106 Conformation: 55.38 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Grade needs to be corrected L1 Darcy
3 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 398 Conformation: 61.45 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Spring
5 year old Red Dun (Graying) Paint Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 138 Conformation: 60.13 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Afta
5 year old Bay Paint Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 140 Conformation: 55.5 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Holli
6 year old Black Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 147 Conformation: 59.5 Points: 766 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Lili
6 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 161 Conformation: 56.13 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Kansa
6 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 158 Conformation: 51.25 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Akasha
7 year old Palomino Appaloosa Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 166 Conformation: 53.38 Points: 2094 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Spearest
7 year old Chestnut Appaloosa Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 156 Conformation: 53.63 Points: 2094 Specialty: Western
N2 Marri
7 year old Bay Appaloosa Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 191 Conformation: 60.75 Points: 132 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Savaj
5 year old Bay (White) Paint Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 137 Conformation: 52.75 Points: 0 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Raver
6 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 157 Conformation: 52.25 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
N2 Nachi
7 year old Amber Champagne Appaloosa Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 157 Conformation: 55.38 Points: 1544 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Staller
7 year old Bay Appaloosa Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 174 Conformation: 55.63 Points: 130 Specialty: Dressage