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Kamille Lønbro Fra's Horses

Unassigned Horses
Available for sale At Riding School N1 ♦Sage♦
3 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 112 Conformation: 57 Points: 0 Specialty: Endurance
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days
Grade needs to be corrected L5 African Fable
11 year old Wild Bay (Gray) Miniature Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 566 Conformation: 60.43 Points: 47628 Specialty: Dressage
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 2 days
Vet: 2 days
N1 New Foal
0 year old Smoky Black Miniature Horse Colt (not boarded)
Stats: 932 Conformation: 66.82 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 10 days
Vet: 10 days
N1 Peko
2 year old Bay Paint Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 163 Conformation: 57.46 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Needs Farrier
Needs Checkup
Grade needs to be corrected At Riding School I2 phs. ♛96.27
7 year old Grullo Paint Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 2707 Conformation: 96.27 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Needs Farrier
Needs Checkup

New Division
No horses in this division.