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UltraDreamer's Horses

Grade needs to be corrected L1 Abby
8 year old Smoky Black Akhal-Teke Mare
Stats: 396 Conformation: 65.63 Points: 24230 Specialty: Racing
Grade needs to be corrected N4 Apricot
9 year old Flaxen Chestnut Arabian Mare
Stats: 256 Conformation: 66.38 Points: 38182 Specialty: Show Jumping
Grade needs to be corrected Na1 Koda Bear
9 year old Black Friesian Stallion
Stats: 1144 Conformation: 63.66 Points: 26182 Specialty: Dressage
Grade Horses
N3 Desert
3 year old Silver Moreno Dun Grade Horse Stallion
Stats: 236 Conformation: 66.86 Points: 6208 Specialty: Driving
Grade needs to be corrected R2 Gypsy
3 year old Silver Grullo Grade Horse Stallion
Stats: 706 Conformation: 63.92 Points: 5672 Specialty: Driving
N3 Lavender
3 year old Silver Seal Brown Cream Dun Grade Horse Mare
Stats: 234 Conformation: 68.18 Points: 6222 Specialty: Driving
N1 Night Sparkle
1 year old Grullo Grade Horse Mare
Stats: 133 Conformation: 60.38 Points: 0 Specialty: None
R4 Spartan
1 year old Bay Grade Horse Stallion
Stats: 926 Conformation: 76.92 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Paint Horses
Grade needs to be corrected Na4 Buckle
4 year old Buckskin Paint Horse Mare
Stats: 1720 Conformation: 93.91 Points: 5220 Specialty: Western
N2 Diamond in the Rough "Gravel"
5 year old Black Paint Horse Stallion
Stats: 164 Conformation: 58.5 Points: 7080 Specialty: Western
Quarter Horses
N2 Blu
6 year old Grullo Quarter Horse Mare
Stats: 193 Conformation: 66 Points: 20006 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected N4 Lion
8 year old Silver Moreno Dun (Gray) Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 264 Conformation: 66.25 Points: 33648 Specialty: Western
N2 New Foal
2 year old Silver Seal Brown Cream Dun Quarter Horse Stallion
Stats: 154 Conformation: 65.87 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Tennessee Walking Horses
N4 Kingston
11 year old Black Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Stats: 287 Conformation: 58.13 Points: 38126 Specialty: Endurance
N2 New Foal
1 year old Silver Grullo Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Stats: 197 Conformation: 61.35 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Grade needs to be corrected L1 Rosey
10 year old Flaxen Red Dun (Gray) Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Stats: 356 Conformation: 65.38 Points: 31776 Specialty: Endurance