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Dove's Horses

Unassigned Horses
N2 ℬ Even x Annapurna
4 year old Chestnut Dutch Warmblood Stallion (-296 days paid)
Stats: 169 Conformation: 58.14 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
Not treated today
Hunger: 80%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 1 days
Vet: 1 days
I3 Gem Maze (Western)
2 year old Silver Classic Cream Champagne Dun Grade Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 3544 Conformation: 88.47 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 8 days
Vet: 8 days
N1 Pedal to the Metal
4 year old Bay (Graying) Gypsy Vanner Mare (-296 days paid)
Stats: 112 Conformation: 58.75 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days
0 year old Palomino Grade Horse Colt (not boarded)
Stats: 5334 Conformation: 94.95 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days

New Division
N1 Anometer
2 year old Silver Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare (-290 days paid)
Stats: 4434 Conformation: 96.82 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Buttercup
5 year old Bay Dutch Warmblood Mare (-309 days paid)
Stats: 129 Conformation: 55.88 Points: 2580 Specialty: Show Jumping
I5 Coal Surprise
4 year old Classic Dun Andalusian Mare (-303 days paid)
Stats: 5786 Conformation: 98.44 Points: 1350 Specialty: Dressage
I2 Gettin' Fancy in the Moonlight
5 year old Bay Paint Horse Stallion (-307 days paid)
Stats: 3802 Conformation: 96.9 Points: 1062 Specialty: Western
I5 Golden Love
4 year old Red Dun Andalusian Stallion (-303 days paid)
Stats: 5506 Conformation: 98.65 Points: 1316 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Hannah
4 year old Bay (Graying) Akhal-Teke Mare (-296 days paid)
Stats: 183 Conformation: 60.88 Points: 348 Specialty: Dressage
Na1 Just Shine 🐈‍⬛
3 year old Smoky Black Trakehner Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 1830 Conformation: 69.16 Points: 0 Specialty: Show Jumping
I5 Leggy Frog
5 year old Black Trakehner Stallion (-284 days paid)
Stats: 5400 Conformation: 96.95 Points: 2248 Specialty: Show Jumping
I2 Melting Heart
7 year old Silver Grullo Andalusian Mare (-303 days paid)
Stats: 3947 Conformation: 96.65 Points: 4480 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Radiosonde
2 year old Silver Seal Brown Cream Quarter Horse Stallion (-304 days paid)
Stats: 4736 Conformation: 96.83 Points: 0 Specialty: None
I2 Riptide
11 year old Palomino Andalusian Stallion (-303 days paid)
Stats: 4034 Conformation: 96.4 Points: 10590 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Soya
0 year old Bay Thoroughbred Filly (not boarded)
Stats: 100 Conformation: 53.38 Points: 0 Specialty: None
Na5 Sunflower
7 year old Buckskin Andalusian Mare (-303 days paid)
Stats: 3060 Conformation: 93.96 Points: 2756 Specialty: Dressage
I2 Walkin In Time
9 year old Chestnut (Gray) Andalusian Mare (-303 days paid)
Stats: 3802 Conformation: 81.99 Points: 9168 Specialty: Dressage
I5 Yarn Dino
9 year old Silver Black Andalusian Stallion (-305 days paid)
Stats: 5977 Conformation: 93.8 Points: 3024 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Yrer
0 year old Bay Thoroughbred Filly (not boarded)
Stats: 100 Conformation: 56.5 Points: 0 Specialty: None