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Shayne25's Horses

New Division
N1 Jewel Nightflame
4 year old Black (Graying) Mustang Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 149 Conformation: 61.5 Points: 9436 Specialty: Show Jumping
Grade needs to be corrected Na4 Mayflower
4 year old Smoky Cream Mustang Mare (-1373 days paid)
Stats: 1768 Conformation: 80.42 Points: 5990 Specialty: Endurance
Grade needs to be corrected Na4 Need for Speed
4 year old Ivory Gold Champagne Mustang Stallion (-1373 days paid)
Stats: 1740 Conformation: 81.15 Points: 6002 Specialty: Endurance
Grade needs to be corrected Na3 Oats And Honey
4 year old Mealy Sooty Buckskin Mustang Stallion (-1373 days paid)
Stats: 1671 Conformation: 76.62 Points: 5710 Specialty: Endurance