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Alyssa Chantre's Horses

Gypsy Vanners
N1 Canta Calypso
4 year old Black (White) Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 140 Conformation: 49.13 Points: 5638 Specialty: Dressage
N1 All the Stars
4 year old Chestnut (White) Gypsy Vanner Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 133 Conformation: 56.13 Points: 5632 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Astelladon
4 year old Bay Gypsy Vanner Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 126 Conformation: 53.25 Points: 5572 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Apache Blackstar
4 year old Bay (Graying) Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 124 Conformation: 53.88 Points: 5528 Specialty: Dressage
Show Horses
Grade needs to be corrected R1 Lavender Blue
14 year old Chestnut (Gray) Gypsy Vanner Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 681 Conformation: 51.98 Points: 8124 Specialty: Driving