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Barrel Racers Ranch's Horses

-BR- Racing Mares and foals
N2 -BRR- Flight Plan
6 year old Black Quarter Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 160 Conformation: 60.38 Points: 4218 Specialty: Racing
Na1 -BRR- Whistlin' Dixie
2 year old Silver Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare (-1558 days paid)
Stats: 1143 Conformation: 81.99 Points: 0 Specialty: None
-BR- Western Mares and Foals
Grade needs to be corrected I1 -BRR- Blazing Trouble [93.51]
15 year old Palomino Quarter Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 2375 Conformation: 93.51 Points: 22048 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected N5 -BRR- Devil's Quest
6 year old Dunskin (Graying) Quarter Horse Mare (-1551 days paid)
Stats: 326 Conformation: 70.25 Points: 1204 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected I2 -BRR- Fools Gold [94.65]
15 year old Amber Champagne Quarter Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 2527 Conformation: 94.65 Points: 21274 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected I1 -BRR- Quik Flash
3 year old Red Dun Quarter Horse Mare (-1548 days paid)
Stats: 2501 Conformation: 95.77 Points: 1326 Specialty: Western
_BR_ Racing Studs
N2 -BRR- Cowboy Prayers
6 year old Black Quarter Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 154 Conformation: 53.25 Points: 3312 Specialty: Racing
Grade needs to be corrected N5 -BRR- Fox in the Hen House
7 year old Buckskin (Graying) Quarter Horse Stallion (-1558 days paid)
Stats: 317 Conformation: 61.05 Points: 1102 Specialty: Racing
N2 -BRR- Sacred Place
6 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 160 Conformation: 57.38 Points: 3140 Specialty: Racing
N2 -BRR- The Stairs Talk
6 year old Bay Quarter Horse Stallion (-1558 days paid)
Stats: 184 Conformation: 51.75 Points: 0 Specialty: Racing
_BR_ Western Studs
Grade needs to be corrected Na4 -BRR- Indigo Thunder
7 year old Classic Dun Quarter Horse Stallion (-1559 days paid)
Stats: 1813 Conformation: 95.28 Points: 4496 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected N5 -BRR- Shay
18 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Stallion (-1558 days paid)
Stats: 303 Conformation: 63.75 Points: 2678 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected N5 Deceiver Of Freedom
12 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare (-1557 days paid)
Stats: 328 Conformation: 62.03 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
N3 Stop Me Now
9 year old Bay Quarter Horse Stallion (-1557 days paid)
Stats: 226 Conformation: 57.13 Points: 0 Specialty: Western
Grade needs to be corrected L5 Striped Pride
10 year old Black Quarter Horse Stallion (-1557 days paid)
Stats: 588 Conformation: 61.11 Points: 0 Specialty: Western