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Riley's Horses

N1 Romain
1 year old Bay Akhal-Teke Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 148 Conformation: 55.74 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Bindi
4 year old Bay Appaloosa Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 141 Conformation: 59 Points: 11850 Specialty: Dressage
N1 Chim
1 year old Bay Appaloosa Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 109 Conformation: 57.33 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Nubia
1 year old Classic Dun Chincoteague Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 111 Conformation: 51.5 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Atum
1 year old Bay Chincoteague Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 111 Conformation: 54.5 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N1 Rasiphe
1 year old Chestnut Dutch Warmblood Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 148 Conformation: 55.2 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N2 +
Grade needs to be corrected N3 Akhaly
7 year old Black Akhal-Teke Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 201 Conformation: 52.75 Points: 29302 Specialty: Dressage
N3 Teke Akhaly
7 year old Chestnut (Graying) Akhal-Teke Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 227 Conformation: 59.13 Points: 30588 Specialty: Dressage
N3 Bailador
10 year old Bay (Gray) Andalusian Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 219 Conformation: 53.13 Points: 24676 Specialty: Dressage
N4 Ann
10 year old Chestnut (Gray) Andalusian Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 282 Conformation: 54.5 Points: 23176 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Bon
1 year old Bay Andalusian Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 166 Conformation: 52.31 Points: 0 Specialty: None
N2 Amon
4 year old Bay Appaloosa Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 155 Conformation: 56.63 Points: 10618 Specialty: Racing
N3 Yumiya
7 year old Chestnut (Graying) Dutch Warmblood Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 246 Conformation: 55.65 Points: 21474 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Dutch Gazelee
4 year old Bay (Graying) Dutch Warmblood Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 165 Conformation: 52.63 Points: 11312 Specialty: Dressage
N3 Brandon
7 year old Bay Welsh Pony Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 216 Conformation: 55.75 Points: 27328 Specialty: Dressage
N3 Chica
7 year old Chestnut (Graying) Welsh Pony Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 219 Conformation: 55.38 Points: 28362 Specialty: Dressage
N2 Rousalie
1 year old Black Welsh Pony Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 150 Conformation: 58.06 Points: 0 Specialty: None