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AaliyahC's Horses

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Eagle's Studs
N3 Majesticality
6 year old Chestnut Thoroughbred Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 210 Conformation: 60.11 Points: 10312 Specialty: Racing
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days
Grade needs to be corrected L1 Palo Gold
7 year old Palomino (Graying) Thoroughbred Stallion (not boarded)
Stats: 358 Conformation: 55.98 Points: 7922 Specialty: Racing
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days