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R. Shadow's Horses

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Grade needs to be corrected L5 Fallen Rebel
11 year old Chestnut (Gray) Quarter Horse Mare (not boarded)
Stats: 555 Conformation: 64.63 Points: 5988 Specialty: Western
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days
Grade needs to be corrected R3 Lakshmi
15 year old Bay (Gray) Arabian Gelding (not boarded)
Stats: 834 Conformation: 65.62 Points: 30408 Specialty: Endurance
Not treated today
Hunger: 100%
Not Groomed
Stall Not Cleaned
Not entered in 10 shows
Not trained today
Shod: 3 days
Vet: 3 days