Grade needs to be correctedR3𝛷 Cailleach {W} 3 year old Chestnut (White) Quarter Horse Mare
(-1368 days paid) Stats: 859Conformation: 52.8Points: 1724Specialty: Dressage
Grade needs to be correctedR3𝛷 Kallias {W} 4 year old Bay (White) Quarter Horse Stallion
(-1370 days paid) Stats: 886Conformation: 54.37Points: 5618Specialty: Dressage
Grade needs to be correctedR4𝛷 Aodhan {Sb} 5 year old Chestnut Quarter Horse Stallion
(-1367 days paid) Stats: 915Conformation: 54.1Points: 9046Specialty: Dressage
Grade needs to be correctedNa2𝛷 Dragonhunt 14 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare
(-1369 days paid) Stats: 1320Conformation: 54.59Points: 71984Specialty: Dressage