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$Ꮥѻ₭ Golden Tarre (DRE)

Owned by Darth Revan (#118637)
Previously owned by Mand'alor The Rider (#118626)
Bred by Mand'alor The Rider (#118626)

This horse is locked.

Hunger 100%
Happiness 100%
Done Vet up to date
Done Farrier up to date
Not Done Gene tested
Not Done Not boarded

STR: 47
SPD: 894
AGI: 264
INT: 1369
END: 55
ALL: 2629

Preferred Treat

Horse Information
Name $Ꮥѻ₭ Golden Tarre (DRE)
Age 0 years old (ages in 3 days)
Breed Quarter Horse
Color Buckskin
Sex Colt
Pattern No Pattern
Markings Face: –, NF: –, FF: –, NH: –, FH: –
Born 2024-09-26 14:48:06
Genotype Not tested for genotype!
Conformation and Health
Height 14.3 hands (59in)
Head 86.47 Excellent
Neck 94.25 Excellent
Withers 68.30 Good
Back 66.81 Good
Shoulders 69.20 Good
Legs 98.28 Perfect
Knees 88.53 Excellent
Hooves 76.00 Good
Average 80.98

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by ꜰ₁ Golden Heights☥(DRE) Foals 0 foals bred Base Stats
STR: 47
SPD: 894
AGI: 170
INT: 1311
END: 55
ALL: 2477
Dam Ꮥѻ₭ Tarre Skriata (DRE) Last Bred Never  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

No Decorations equipped.

Club Registries

The Mandalorian Horse Riders Association

Registered since
2024-09-26 17:26:42

Public Notes

Breeding Quality and Excellence in the Quarter Horse Breed Est...2018

Golden Tarre (Dressage)

{Multi-lined Experimental Project}

Visible Inbred Lines
Out of Golden Heights by Tarre Skriata
Sales Price: Reserve Price 2500EVD

Golden Tarre is a Dressage Project line colt bred by the Stables of Keldable. This colt can be used to bred to Foundation Dressage mares to lower his Dressage NSS or bred to Western Mares to lower Western NSS even Show Jumping Foundation mares for Jumping NSS.