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$ Ꮥѻ₭ Din Tiva (END)

Owned by styx (#6522)
Previously owned by Darth Revan (#118637)
Bred by Mand'alor The Rider (#118626)

This horse is deceased.

STR: 20
SPD: 17
AGI: 20
INT: 41
END: 59
ALL: 157

Preferred Treat

Horse Information
Name $ Ꮥѻ₭ Din Tiva (END)
Age 2 years old (ages in 4 days)
Breed Quarter Horse
Color Gray (White)
Sex Stallion
Pattern No Pattern
Markings Face: –, NF: Pastern, FF: –, NH: –, FH: Ankle
Born 2024-08-20 04:16:02
Genotype EE Ata Gg crcr Dd chch FF zz pp stysty rbrb W+ oo spsp lplp patn1patn1 patn2patn2
Conformation and Health
Height 14.1 hands (57in)
Head 63.24 Good
Neck 61.33 Good
Withers 55.80 Good
Back 62.77 Good
Shoulders 57.85 Good
Legs 63.83 Good
Knees 53.29 Good
Hooves 50.00 Good
Average 58.51

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by Ꮥѻ₭♥Din Mudhorn⚜(END) Foals 0 foals bred Base Stats
STR: 20
SPD: 17
AGI: 20
INT: 33
END: 28
ALL: 118
Dam Ꮥѻ₭♥Tiva Rodarch⚜(END) Last Bred Never  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

Club Registries

The Mandalorian Horse Riders Association

Registered since
2024-09-11 16:23:58

Public Notes

Breeding Quality and Excellence in the Quarter Horse Breed Est...2018

Din Tiva (Endurance)

2nd Gen Tester Stallion

Trained at the Temple of Lothal

Stats: 132

NSS: 57

Adoption Fee: 500EVD

The Stables of Keldable breeds beautiful Quarter Horses, however, sometimes they need help selling these horses and that is where the Temple of Lothal comes in, this foal has been surrendered for adoption, and the Stables of Keldable breeds foundation testers at N1 and N5. Many of these horses aren't sold or adopted out and end up in retirement. Adoption fees vary on the horse's overall generation and show level. Novice-level show horses are adopted out for 500EVD, however, the price goes up 500EVD for every 5 show levels.