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Ꮥѻ₭ Taung Mando'Ad (END)

In the paddocks in the sky...

This horse is deceased.

STR: 25
SPD: 64
AGI: 25
INT: 244
END: 248
ALL: 606

Preferred Treat

Horse Information
Name Ꮥѻ₭ Taung Mando'Ad (END)
Age 7 years old (ages Tomorrow)
Breed Quarter Horse
Color Bay
Sex Mare
Pattern Tobiano
Markings Face: Snip, NF: Ankle, FF: –, NH: –, FH: –
Born 2024-06-08 19:02:43
Genotype Not tested for genotype!
Conformation and Health
Height 14.3 hands (59in)
Head 54.79 Good
Neck 52.55 Good
Withers 57.93 Good
Back 45.88 Poor
Shoulders 55.43 Good
Legs 65.43 Good
Knees 68.96 Good
Hooves 45.00 Poor
Average 55.75

Specialty Information
First Places 1 Second Places 7 Third Places 19
Specialty Endurance (Converted: 1 times) Grade Local 3 Training Level 3
Training Progress
Stat Boost Points
2 / 10

Horse Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 1484
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $9,390

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by Ꮥѻ₭ Taung Bralor ⚜ (WR) Foals 0 foals bred Base Stats
STR: 25
SPD: 64
AGI: 25
INT: 61
END: 22
ALL: 197
Dam FD Mando'Ad ⚜ (WR) Last Bred Never  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

Club Registries
Not registered in any clubs!

Public Notes

The Stables of Keldable
Breeding Quality and Excellence in the Quarter Horse Breed Est...2018
Taung Mando'ad (Endurance Mare)

2nd-Generation Mare

Availability: 1 time a month until 20 years 

Broodmare Fee: 2600EVD

Starts 10 (10 completed)

 Wins: 0

Place: 3

Show: 7

Losses: 0

Pronegy: 0

Notable Pronegy:

These foals are noticed for their wins in shows if they are of age. All foals listed will include color and patterns. Horses with links have been shown in comps, those without haven't been shown. Lines through a horse's name and their information means the horse is in the paddocks in the sky.