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HA Urban Scandal

Owned by pigeonbusiness (#135671)
Previously owned by Cast (#134177)
Bred by Cast (#134177)

This horse is deceased.

STR: 74
SPD: 2059
AGI: 96
INT: 2076
END: 96
ALL: 4401

Preferred Treat

Horse Information
Name HA Urban Scandal
Age 21 years old (ages Tomorrow)
Breed Paint Horse
Color Red Dun
Sex Gelding
Pattern Splash
Markings Face: –, NF: Ankle, FF: –, NH: –, FH: –
Born 2023-02-05 16:25:32
Genotype ee Ata gg crcr Dd chch FF zz pp stysty rbrb ++ oo Spsp lplp patn1patn1 patn2patn2
Conformation and Health
Height 16.0 hands (64in)
Head 97.87 Perfect
Neck 94.35 Excellent
Withers 89.25 Excellent
Back 95.70 Excellent
Shoulders 90.29 Excellent
Legs 95.12 Excellent
Knees 89.42 Excellent
Hooves 98.00 Perfect
Average 93.75

Specialty Information
First Places 33 Second Places 94 Third Places 81
Specialty Western (Converted: 0 times) Grade International 3 Training Level 5
Training Progress
Stat Boost Points
1 / 10

Horse Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 43720
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $68,838

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by Custom Scandal Foals 0 foals bred Base Stats
STR: 55
SPD: 1484
AGI: 80
INT: 1446
END: 78
ALL: 3143
Dam WÆ}Urban Lights 88 Last Bred Never  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

Club Registries

Paint Horse Association

Registered since
2023-08-11 10:39:06

Western Horse Association

Registered since
2023-08-11 10:48:09

Equiverse Performance Association

Registered since
2023-08-19 10:02:37

Achievement Points: 10

Public Notes

Hallowed Acres' Urban Scandal

Team Penning/Roping/Cutting (Retired)
Western School Horse

Scout is a red dun splash Paint gelding by Custom Scandal out of Urban Lights. He is owned by Hallowed Acres and used in our lesson program for advanced riders.

He is the Acres' current highest earning show horse. This gelding is all business. He knows what his job it and he won't be distracted. He is now retired from active showing to join our lesson program.

He is the distant relatives of HA Legendary Scandal (by Scandal At The Bar out of HA Legendary Bunny), HA Scandalous Cowgirl (by Scandal At The Bar and out of HA Custom Cowgirl), and HA Scandalous Bunny (by Scandal At The Bar out of HA Loose Bunny).