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ᴿ⁵ Lara Lane 40/52.47

Owned by Rhaenemera (#35586)
Bred by Rhaenemera (#35586)

This horse is deceased.

STR: 10
SPD: 1532
AGI: 16
INT: 16
END: 1392
ALL: 2966

Preferred Treat

Horse Information
Name ᴿ⁵ Lara Lane 40/52.47
Age 22 years old (ages in 7 days)
Breed Thoroughbred
Color Perlino (Gray)
Sex Mare
Pattern No Pattern
Markings Face: White Face, NF: –, FF: Ankle, NH: Pastern, FH: –
Born 2020-12-17 05:33:43
Genotype Not tested for genotype!
Conformation and Health
Height 17.0 hands (68in)
Head 45.24 Poor
Neck 74.46 Good
Withers 40.44 Poor
Back 44.56 Poor
Shoulders 37.89 Poor
Legs 48.90 Poor
Knees 62.25 Good
Hooves 66.00 Good
Average 52.47

Specialty Information
First Places 262 Second Places 245 Third Places 183
Specialty Racing (Converted: 0 times) Grade International 2 Training Level 5
Training Progress
Stat Boost Points
2 / 10

Horse Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 118010
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $126,791

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by ℜ Man O' Steel 7/44.38 Foals 1 foal bred Base Stats
STR: 10
SPD: 792
AGI: 15
INT: 15
END: 725
ALL: 1557
Dam Purpurite Last Bred 233 days ago  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

Club Registries

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Registered since
2021-12-14 14:12:00

Show Creation Coalition

Registered since
2021-12-28 11:19:12

Equiverse Performance Association

Registered since
2022-01-31 16:42:04

Achievement Points: 60

Public Notes

                                                                                        LARA LANE
                                                                                                    Paired with NONE - 1/1 foals produced
                                                             Not available to the public - 0/0 foals produced