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Killer Tivo | 63.37

Owned by Shawna (#126841)
Previously owned by dabble king (#125173)
Bred by dabble king (#125173)


Hunger 100%
Happiness 100%
Done Vet up to date
Done Farrier up to date
Not Done Gene tested
Not Done Not boarded

STR: 97
SPD: 74
AGI: 890
INT: 762
END: 93
ALL: 1916

Preferred Treat

Equipment Please note: You cannot have more than one type of tack or more than one background equipped. For example, trying to equip a second saddle will just replace the currently equipped saddle with the new saddle.
No equipment.

Horse Information
Name Killer Tivo | 63.37
Age 20 years old (ages in 3 days)
Breed Friesian
Color Chestnut
Sex Mare
Pattern No Pattern
Markings Face: –, NF: –, FF: –, NH: –, FH: –
Born 2020-02-10 11:40:53
Genotype Not tested for genotype!
Conformation and Health
Height 15.2 hands (62in)
Head 72.13 Good
Neck 63.70 Good
Withers 59.10 Good
Back 69.16 Good
Shoulders 55.67 Good
Legs 66.32 Good
Knees 61.87 Good
Hooves 75.00 Good
Average 65.37

Specialty Information
First Places 2 Second Places 8 Third Places 26
Specialty Dressage (Converted: 0 times) Grade National 5 Training Level 5
Training Progress
Stat Boost Points
2 / 10

Horse Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 45426
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $12,941

Pedigree, Breeding and Foals
Sired by Killer Foals 6 foals bred Base Stats
STR: 86
SPD: 66
AGI: 491
INT: 502
END: 86
ALL: 1231
Dam Altivo {61.69} Last Bred 19 days ago  
Pedigree View Pedigree      

No Decorations equipped.

Club Registries

Friesian Club

Registered since
2020-02-13 21:24:43

Public Notes
(Message Inquires)
Killer Tivo 'Tivo' is stunning rare homebred chestnut Friesian perfect breeding or the show ring. Tivo is by popular chestnut stallion Killer out of my champion broodmare Altivo. Killer has elite stats and confirmation for his kind along with that beautiful golden coloring. Altivo has racked up many trophies in her day and displays the best temperament. Tivo herself has done decent in the showing and has been a good mother to her two foals. I would love her to get more outings and have more work with someone new. She can be a bit aloof on the ground making her not the most beginner-friendly. Despite this, she is still very gentle. Once she gets moving she will blow you away with her suppleness and how easily she moves. While she is no longer top of her breed she could still be a viable broodmare to the right stallion. Tivo is registered with the Friesian Clud. Tivo has no vices and requires no maintenance. She trailers, ties, and stands for the farrier. Tivo will stay in full training and showing until sold. Asking at least 20,000 EVD.
Show name: Killer Tivo
Barn name: Tivo
Temperament: (5)
Personality: Anti-social, Demanding, Nonplused, Gentle
Riding Style: Intermediate/Advanced Riders, Supple, Light, Bored, Tricky
Vices/Maintenance: No Vices, No Maintenance