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Former Horses of Blackstone (#83197)

Former Horses
Ahiga | CrCr Dd RnRn - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 780 Points:
Ankti - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 572 Points:
BSP Aella | Sb [63] - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 863 Points: 0
BSP Abetzi | RbRb [53] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1021 Points: 0
BSP Accolady | RnRn [59] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 882 Points: 0
BSP Acker Bilk | Dd [59] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 877 Points: 0
BSP Adad | Sb [60] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 930 Points: 0
BSP Akantha | Ata Cr Dd [59] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 930 Points: 0
BSP Alberic [59] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 897 Points: 0
BSP Alkyone | CrCr [52] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 897 Points: 0
BSP Amahdy | SbSb [62] - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 884 Points: 0
BSP American Queen | RnSb [60] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 886 Points: 0
BSP Apologize | Dd [59] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 913 Points: 0
BSP Ateed [58] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 891 Points: 0
BSP Azhara Al-Hamra | Rb [62] - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 877 Points: 0
BSP Batteries Not Included D59 - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 896 Points: 0
BSP Big Enemies | ZZ [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1673 Points:
BSP Big Reputation | ZZ [56] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1450 Points:
BSP Born Lucky | Cr RnSb [60] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 999 Points: 0
BSP Bury Hatchets | Cr Sb [51] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1086 Points: 0
BSP Champagne on Deck [59] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 976 Points: 0
BSP Conumdrummer | RnT [54] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 853 Points: 0
BSP Dark Intentions [53] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 990 Points: 0
BSP Deb You Taunt | TT [68] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 834 Points: 0
BSP Dipaka | Dd ff [61] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 906 Points: 0
BSP Doubtlaw | SbSb [52] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 941 Points: 0
BSP Drupada [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 937 Points: 0
BSP Enki | Cr Pp [56] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 933 Points: 0
BSP Freyja | CrCr [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 895 Points: 0
BSP Happenstance | Rn [63] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 854 Points: 0
BSP Heart Stealer | Cr [56] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1078 Points: 0
BSP Her Majesty | Rn [56] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 1043 Points: 0
BSP Kalyani [61] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 915 Points: 0
BSP Kapila | CrCr [60] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 920 Points: 0
BSP Kiwidinok | Cr Dd [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 926 Points: 0
BSP Kwatoko | Rb [60] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 899 Points: 0
BSP Leyati | Sb [62] - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 882 Points: 0
BSP Loki | Ata [64] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 893 Points: 0
BSP Lykos | Cr [59] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 931 Points: 0
BSP Machk | Rb [57] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 936 Points: 0
BSP Mahican | Cr RbRb [57] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 969 Points: 0
BSP Maid of Silver [53] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 884 Points: 0
BSP Mielikki | At CrCr Dd [61] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 882 Points: 0
BSP Minos | ff [65] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 906 Points: 0
BSP Modred | Dd [63] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 852 Points: 0
BSP Moral Less - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 942 Points: 0
BSP Nabu [61] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 899 Points: 0
BSP Nearly Perfect | CrDdCh 58 - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 907 Points: 0
BSP Niabi | Ata [53] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 900 Points: 0
BSP Nipmuc | Cr [61] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 889 Points: 0
BSP No Regrets | Cr [57] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 947 Points: 0
BSP Not At the Moment [53] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 887 Points: 0
BSP Nottachance | Cr [62] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 896 Points: 0
BSP Painted Apache | Cr [65] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 871 Points: 0
BSP Papago | CrCr W+ [62] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 937 Points: 0
BSP Raging Fire | Sb [58] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 959 Points: 0
BSP Remus [48] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 978 Points: 0
BSP Reverse Curse [62] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 940 Points: 0
BSP Rukmini | SpSp [58] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 894 Points: 0
BSP Salute to Me CrCh TT [60] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 867 Points: 0
BSP Sampo | Ata Cr [53] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 798 Points: 0
BSP Saturday Affair | Dd [57] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 1017 Points: 0
BSP Second That | CrCr [57] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 960 Points: 0
BSP Skadi | ff [60] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 860 Points: 0
BSP Special Edition | Dd [65] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 997 Points: 0
BSP Sumati | Cr Sp [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 862 Points: 0
BSP Sure Thing | CrDdChTSb[58] - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 892 Points: 0
BSP Toxic Pop | Cr [57] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 968 Points: 0
BSP True Zippo | Dd [58] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 841 Points: 0
BSP Wanna Red Checker | Dd[60] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 948 Points: 0
BSP Wannabe Heights [58] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 889 Points: 0
BSP Wapun | RbRb [55] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 945 Points: 0
Muata - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: L4 LV: 3 Stats: 532 Points:
Skah - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 563 Points:
ߧ Anoki - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 613 Points:
ߧ Diwali - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 604 Points:
ߧ Kanuna | Cr - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 647 Points:
ߧ Kosumi - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 657 Points:
ߧ Kuruk | CrCr Spsp - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 728 Points:
ߧ Makya - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 620 Points:
ߧ Moki | Dd RbRb ff - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 823 Points:
ߧ Nayati | Dd - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 3 Stats: 615 Points:
ߧ Nukpana | Ata - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 725 Points:
ߧ Tahki - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 725 Points:
ߧ Tokala | Ata CrCr Dd - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 669 Points:
ߧ Wikimak | Cr - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 767 Points:
Tohopka - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 556 Points:
Yahto | Ata CrCr Dd RbRb - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 731 Points:
➰ Ashkii | SpSp - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 641 Points:
➰ Nakai | Cr Dd - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 648 Points:
➰ Aditya | CrCr [55] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 965 Points: 0
➰ Adsila - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 918 Points: 0
➰ Akando - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 886 Points:
➰ Akash | CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 908 Points: 0
➰ Alcippe | Pp Spsp [55] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 976 Points: 0
➰ Annie Oakley | Cr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 900 Points: 0
➰ Beyond the Limits - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 851 Points: 0
➰ Bilagaana | CrCr [51] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 937 Points:
➰ Blazing Heart | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 968 Points: 0
➰ Blue Angel | Cr Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 899 Points: 0
➰ Castle Rock | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 885 Points: 0
➰ Cheauka 71.13 [51] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 961 Points:
➰ Cherokee Promise - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 893 Points: 0
➰ Chitsa - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 945 Points: 0
➰ Chochokpi | SbSb [46] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1001 Points:
➰ Chosovi | SbSb [62] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 879 Points: 0
➰ Cloud Nine [58] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 990 Points: 0
➰ Confidential | Cr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 928 Points: 0
➰ Cree | Oo - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 849 Points: 0
➰ Curtain Call | Ata CrCr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 939 Points: 0
➰ Daybreak - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 960 Points: 0
➰ Diamond Flame | Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 987 Points: 0
➰ Dipak | CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 866 Points: 0
➰ Doli | SbSb - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 848 Points: 0
➰ Durai | Cr Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 904 Points: 0
➰ Dusty Lady | Ata CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 868 Points: 0
➰ Ever So Clever | Zz [58] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 951 Points: 0
➰ Fedelm [58] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 892 Points: 0
➰ Foreign Affair | Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 946 Points: 0
➰ Frisky Whiskey - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 897 Points: 0
➰ Gigyaga | SbSb [65] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 876 Points: 0
➰ Govind | Dd ff - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 995 Points: 0
➰ Helaku | SbSb 70.88 [50] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 982 Points:
➰ Hollywood Getaway | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 957 Points: 0
➰ Honovi | RbRb - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1033 Points: 0
➰ Huata | RbRb - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 852 Points: 0
➰ Hurit | Sb [66] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 878 Points: 0
➰ Ikaros | Cr Pp [57] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 940 Points: 0
➰ Imagine That | Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 967 Points: 0
➰ Ishani | Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 937 Points: 0
➰ Just in Time | Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 916 Points: 0
➰ Karthika | CrCr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 998 Points: 0
➰ Kaveri | Ata Cr Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 946 Points: 0
➰ King of Kings - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 951 Points: 0
➰ Kinta | RbRb [64] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 962 Points: 0
➰ Kiss and Tell | Cr Ch [58] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 973 Points: 0
➰ Kitsai | CrCr - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 918 Points: 0
➰ Kumara [56] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 931 Points: 0
➰ Kwahu [49] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 996 Points:
➰ Lakshmi | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 776 Points: 0
➰ Last Shot | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 983 Points: 0
➰ Limitless | Cr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 932 Points: 0
➰ Lochana | Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 891 Points: 0
➰ Mahal | Cr [46] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 993 Points:
➰ Makah | Cr SpSp - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 882 Points: 0
➰ Manu | CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 934 Points: 0
➰ Master Mind [55] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 916 Points: 0
➰ Mayday Maverick | Ata CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 880 Points: 0
➰ Minakshi | Crcr RnRn [58] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 923 Points: 0
➰ Most Wanted | Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 839 Points: 0
➰ Mukesh | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 990 Points: 0
➰ Nahele | Cr W+ - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 873 Points:
➰ Nalini | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 908 Points: 0
➰ Namrata | Ata Cr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 921 Points: 0
➰ Nandita | Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 946 Points: 0
➰ Napayshni 77.50 [52] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 942 Points:
➰ Narayana - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 851 Points: 0
➰ Nashota | RbRb 62 [51] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 937 Points:
➰ Neche | SbSb - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 884 Points: 0
➰ Neha - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1006 Points: 0
➰ Neka | Oo Sp [52] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 965 Points:
➰ Night Stalker | Dd [60] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 936 Points: 0
➰ Niketa | Cr Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 895 Points: 0
➰ Numees | RbRb [70] - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 874 Points: 0
➰ On The Rocks - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 926 Points: 0
➰ Pachama | CrCr - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 889 Points: 0
➰ Pakwa | CrCr [50] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 910 Points:
➰ Pallavi | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 919 Points: 0
➰ Pramod | CrCr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 922 Points: 0
➰ Pryderi | Cr [60] - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 877 Points: 0
➰ Sakshi | Cr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 873 Points: 0
➰ Sarala | Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 951 Points: 0
➰ Sarika | CrCr Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 998 Points: 0
➰ Shakti | Ata Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 855 Points: 0
➰ Sisika | Cr 61.63 [50] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 947 Points:
➰ Takoda | CrCr RbRb - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 914 Points:
➰ Tekesta | CrCr - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 881 Points: 0
➰ Unexpected Visitor | CrCr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 883 Points: 0
➰ Walking Thunder | Cr Dd Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 980 Points: 0
➰ Wapi | Cr [51] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 929 Points:
➰ Watch This | Dd [57] - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 936 Points: 0
➰ White Magic - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 899 Points: 0
➰ Why Not Me | Ata Ch - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 885 Points: 0
➰ Wonder Blue | Dd - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 891 Points: 0
➰ Wonder Stuff - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 891 Points: 0
➰ Yoki | SbSb - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 918 Points: 0
➰ Yuchi | Cr [54] - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 970 Points: 0