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Former Horses of Faith (#130932)

Former Horses
(86.12) - 7 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 1 Stats: 6160 Points:
*雪 Rolex ⦙ 76.84 - 18 year old Lipizzaner Stallion
Grade: I2 LV: 5 Stats: 2774 Points:
⌛Fenrir - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 797 Points: 0
⌛Lady cirella - 22 year old Welsh Pony Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 667 Points: 0
$$-3 AaCrcrDD 60.94 S [73] - 22 year old Morgan Stallion
Grade: I1 LV: 5 Stats: 2374 Points:
Amber - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3481 Points:
Babette ꕥDrivingꕥ - 5 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: Na2 LV: 1 Stats: 1372 Points:
Black With Faith - 13 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 4 Stats: 6356 Points:
Blakely - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3244 Points:
Bulky - 18 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: I3 LV: 5 Stats: 3711 Points:
Carina - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1229 Points:
Cedar Paloma - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1540 Points:
Celebrin de Aventuras - 22 year old Lipizzaner Mare
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1098 Points:
Champagne - 9 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 3 Stats: 3207 Points:
Classic - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I2 LV: 1 Stats: 3001 Points:
ᴄᴀᴘʀɪᴄᴏʀɴ - 9 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 8275 Points:
Dakotas Song Bird {95} - 6 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I4 LV: 1 Stats: 4170 Points:
Dale Evans - 21 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1258 Points:
Diferente ❄🔥 - 11 year old Friesian Stallion
Grade: Na5 LV: 4 Stats: 1988 Points:
Dream Catcher - 22 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 912 Points:
Easy Going Poco (79)® - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: I3 LV: 5 Stats: 3376 Points:
𝓕|Jelly Bean - 7 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: Na2 LV: 2 Stats: 1395 Points:
Fetching Beauty - NK - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 857 Points: 0
Fire Princess 👸🔥 - 7 year old Friesian Mare
Grade: Na3 LV: 1 Stats: 1688 Points:
GV Filly 66.77|1229☘️ - 5 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: Na2 LV: 1 Stats: 1467 Points:
Jane - 20 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 5 Stats: 3550 Points:
Jayded - 7 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: I1 LV: 2 Stats: 2363 Points:
JL Sheza Wild Pearl - 7 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 2 Stats: 3452 Points:
KE Pretty Woman - 19 year old Lipizzaner Mare
Grade: I1 LV: 5 Stats: 2508 Points:
Laddy - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1193 Points:
Lewis - 22 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 826 Points: 0
Master Yoda - 22 year old Welsh Pony Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 930 Points:
New Foal - 0 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 3223 Points:
Oakley - 22 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1666 Points:
Page - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I2 LV: 1 Stats: 2756 Points:
Pearl - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3584 Points:
Quarter Horse Mare - 7 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 1 Stats: 6979 Points:
Quarter Horse Mare - 7 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 1 Stats: 6012 Points:
Radi de Aventuras - 22 year old Lipizzaner Stallion
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1073 Points:
Rose - 19 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 950 Points:
SWR Bleeding Renegade (85.23) - 21 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 5 Stats: 5565 Points:
SWR Major's Poison - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 964 Points:
Tayla Phoenix - 22 year old Arabian Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 880 Points:
W 62.80 - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: Na4 LV: 5 Stats: 1818 Points:
Western Buckskin Paint Stallio - 7 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3618 Points:
Western Paint Mare - 7 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3533 Points:
Western Paint Mare - 4 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 1 Stats: 3709 Points:
Windy-Hurricane - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 823 Points: 0