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Former Horses of Darkhorse Sporthorses (#119833)

Former Horses
♞Betrayed by the Game♞ - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 527 Points: 0
♞Code♞ - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 519 Points: 0
♞Death of a Strawberry♞ - 22 year old Friesian Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 522 Points: 0
♞Disguise♞ - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 538 Points: 0
♞Division Symbols♞ - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 584 Points: 0
♞Drift♞ - 22 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 577 Points: 0
♞Extatum Et Oratum♞ - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 516 Points: 0
♞Face my Fears♞ - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 545 Points: 0
♞Fall♞ - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 571 Points: 0
♞First♞ - 22 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 546 Points: 0
♞Homesick♞ - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 541 Points: 0
♞Kathleen♞ - 22 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 585 Points: 0
♞Last Young Renegade♞ - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 572 Points: 0
♞Life of the Party♞ - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 583 Points: 0
♞Lola Montez♞ - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 609 Points: 0
♞Popular Monster♞ - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 556 Points: 0
♞Resentment♞ - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 529 Points: 0
♞Rocking the Boat♞ - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 552 Points: 0
♞Sanctified with Dynamite♞ - 22 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 517 Points: 0
♞Sunflower♞ - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 585 Points: 0
♞The Jig is Up♞ - 22 year old Morgan Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 556 Points: 0
♞Tokyo♞ - 22 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 570 Points: 0
♞Welcome Home♞ - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 522 Points: 0
♞You’re Not Stubborn♞ - 22 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 539 Points: 0
♞Your Number’s Up♞ - 22 year old Morgan Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 556 Points: 0