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Foals of +Fire N' Romance eeAtAtff [78]

All Foals of +Fire N' Romance eeAtAtff [78]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
+Illiad+ |Npff|261|79.07|# 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Arizona's Song+NpAAtFf 80.01
+IronMaiden+ |ffSTYOo|286|85|# 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Rockin' Pixie+ NpChFfSTY [88]
+Chili Fire+ |Ooff|271|81.66| 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Dos Chiles+ Np AA ff [87.13]
Incredible Hulk 15 years old Bonnie +Rhapsody+ ffOo [83.76]