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Foals of +Arizona Romance AAtffSp [87]

All Foals of +Arizona Romance AAtffSp [87]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
+AZ Icy Hot+ eeAAtFfSp[80.16] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Fire 'N Ice+eeAAtFf [71.58]
+Arizona Fire+ AAtffSp [79.64] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Furious Fire+ AAtffOo [71.03]
+Arizona Red+NpAtaDdffSTY [83] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Future Seer+AaCrDdChFfSTY[72]
+Gus Gus+ NpEeAtaCrChff[89.21] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +SolidReasons+EeCrChChFfOo 94
+Gypsy+ AAtFfSTYSp [92.54] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Hawk+NpEeAtAtCrDdFFSTY[96.45]
+Blossom+ NpAtaFf [83.11] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Big Red+ FF [79.64]
+Ember+ NpEeAaCrff [89.95] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Buster+ NpEeCrCrDdFf [97.09]
+Ember+ AaffSp [92.17]% 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Rock Solid+EeCrChFfOo [97.10]
+Caspian+EeAaChffSTY [88.57]#^ 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Bandit+NpEeAaDdChffSTYSTY 87%