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Foals of + Louane

All Foals of + Louane
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[Driving] Rudy {68.67} 22 years old Rubz Rescue [WRS] A New Hero
October Sunshine 22 years old Ella {Red October}[62.63]
Riley 66nss (F) 20 years old Mystic Kirito 58.25OSpLeo
.s. Smokey Kritin [60.65]CSpLp 6 years old trin Kirito 58.25OSpLeo
(DR5-71) Vulcan's Smoky Fyre 5 years old Kiara Kyssarnha Ea’s Shimmer T {74.52}
Cappy (71.35) Dv 4 years old RavensRanch [WRS] A New Hero
35k 2 years old magicmountain Angel Whirl 42nss (F)