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Foals of SPK Ghostly Pierre 98

All Foals of SPK Ghostly Pierre 98
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
SPK Like A Ghost 97 22 years old Sparkles SPK Like Hollywood 97
SPK Wild A GoGo 97 22 years old Sparkles SPK Bahama A Go Go 97
SPK GhostsNGoblins 98 22 years old Sparkles SPK Jax Splash 96
Golden Pierre [96.78] 21 years old LaterPeaches ~T~ GPH ➰ 127
S | Violet | 96.04 4/8CH 12 years old Equine Meadows S | Autumn | 96.08 5/8 CH
{98.17} 7 years old Granada Quarter Horses ~T~ {98.01}