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Foals of Aetheria {1X} DR

All Foals of Aetheria {1X} DR
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Aethira DS 22 years old GenZod Tirawa DS
Stryk Out DR {PP} 22 years old GenZod Tirawa DS
Faded Splendor DR {Pp} 22 years old GenZod Mímir DR
Smoking Mysts DR 68.41 {Pp 1X} 22 years old GenZod Ashur DR
Devon Dare DR {Pp 1X} 22 years old GenZod Ninurta {1X}
Waeth DR {PP} 22 years old GenZod Tirawa DS
Mareep DS {1X} 22 years old GenZod Tirawa DS
Keydaran DR {1X} 22 years old GenZod Ashur DR
Swyyte Lyt DR 21 years old GenZod Sunny Melt DS {Pp}
DR Nova's Loche 81 15 years old GenZod DR Nova's Loving Andros 87.42
Shym Squire DR FS 6 years old DemonBride666 ♚tirow♚61.04♚