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Foals of R's F 58.13 F RbTSbChest

All Foals of R's F 58.13 F RbTSbChest
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
White Stripes 16 years old Gaerwn R's F 58.50 F RnSbEAt
R's F 58.89 3 CTEeBay 4 years old Rivom R's F 56.33 2 CBayA
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's F 57.50 F CTTBay
New Foal 2 years old R's Dingo 55.42 2 fSbBay
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's D 55.25 F DWhite
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's Dimond 54.17 2 CrCrSbSbChe