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Foals of R's F 57.88 F RnBay

All Foals of R's F 57.88 F RnBay
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Almost Illegal 11 years old Gaerwn R's F 54.38 F AtAWhite
R's F 54.37 2 CrBay 4 years old Rivom R's F 49.87 2 CrRbSbBay
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's D 53.46 2 GRnTAt
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's F 51.00 F SbSbATABay
New Foal 2 years old Rivom R's Far Fetch 49.38 F CrTBay
New Foal 2 years old Rivom V R's F 59.50 F RnRnBay