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Foals of Afterlife

All Foals of Afterlife
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Ressurect the Secret [94.55] 22 years old smilesummerrain Spy Master General
❄️Life After War❄️ 22 years old ❄️Paladin❄️ Grey War
New Foal 22 years old smilesummerrain Drowned at Sea
New Foal 94.06 22 years old smilesummerrain Drowned at Sea
OS Silver Sword [96.06] 22 years old Chai Lord of the Celts [96.40]
The Offering 15 years old Greenmille Drowned at Sea
96.48 LORD OF HAIDES D 11 years old JujuLulu Lord of the Celts [96.40]