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Foals of S Black 82.09

All Foals of S Black 82.09
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
drs - Blodwyn Eiryn [78.59] 20 years old Bláth Bán Red Dun
Belton Libbie 10 years old Rivella Huronland Escape 80.12
Mo Bheannachd 9 years old Drazini ~SS~ Satele Shan SWWP-G1-E NB!
Huronland Roxana 80.57 7 years old Lipton Belton Passia
Belton Giluna 6 years old Rivella M Silver Buckskin 79.38
Huronland Eilene 80.62 4 years old Lipton Enchanted J 79.57
Lil Firefly 3 years old Lilthuglet Huronland Inevra 79.95