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Foals of [zz] Coñac Rbrb [G5]

All Foals of [zz] Coñac Rbrb [G5]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[[RC Adoption]][Con] Occam\'s 23 years old Novian [zz] Sombragris [G5]
.Ma. Under A Papermoon 22 years old .BI. A Princess Pepper
[zz] Otoño Ee Aa 22 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Haya [G5]
[zz] Vulcano Ee aa 22 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Tormenta Ee Aa [G5]
[zz] Dudosa EE AtA 21 years old SpanishMustang [zz][RAC] Sibarita CrC Dd Chch
minuetnd 6 years old Bullet [zz] Classic Dun mare [G5]