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Foals of Amara [75.17]

All Foals of Amara [75.17]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Daylight's Grace 22 years old The Dark Lady Amazing
]-[ Hiladora [81.48] 22 years old Rancho SoCal Bolero [92.80]
]-[ Jabalina [79.69] 22 years old Rancho SoCal ]-[ Garboso [87.24]
]-[ Duclinea [80.34] 22 years old Rancho SoCal ]-[ Hereje [81.42]
Zz Amada 22 years old Summerset Stables ]-[ Arpeggio [82.79]
ᴎ Raspberry Merlot 18 years old Nickelove Ben [] 67.13
s| The Blue Alien 16 years old Olympeaˢˢ STBU Mistnamore
]-[ Annie Oakley 10 years old Carnivale Fandango [88.50]