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Foals of Queen of Diamonds {65}

All Foals of Queen of Diamonds {65}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Bel`Badger Queen 22 years old ❦BlueEyedLuv❦ ✘ SMART BADGER
ℬℯℓ`Queen of Rumors 22 years old ❦BlueEyedLuv❦ 𝔅ℜ Sun's Smokin' Rumor
Bel`Diamonds Fixer 22 years old ❦BlueEyedLuv❦ ➊Fixed You {60}
Bel`Keepin My Diamonds 22 years old ❦BlueEyedLuv❦ |fd| Keep The Change{61}
🍃 The King of Diamonds 15 years old onoxy Royal Roseburg 77