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Foals of Black Tea [P66.13]

All Foals of Black Tea [P66.13]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Candy Cane Tea 22 years old CityOfFallenAshes White Tea [Ff P56.48]
+Golden Tea+ Ff [72.40] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy W$ Golden Glory
🔸 Kirae 🔸 22 years old ¤ Raffled ¤ Spot of Tea [P82.40]
Spot of Black (76.14) 18 years old HiddenAcresMustangs Spot of Tea [P82.40]
Clever Hans 17 years old Valzed ❤️ 🐀 🐀 Chocolate Tea [64.99]