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Foals of [khz] 1989

All Foals of [khz] 1989
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
MxM Light Candle 22 years old Agnes KZ. a little less 16 candles
[FT] II. ebb and flow(2)(d) 22 years old madoka. KZ. earned it
[D] Speak Now 22 years old Zanthia2 [khz] tim mcgraw
🔱 Red Phoenix ☀️ 10 years old Wanderlust ♔ 4S. Red Lion
Alexandra (61.28) 8 years old Shelby Mikszath Kz. phantom of the opera
Mixed gen eeaaffRbRb 41.39 4 years old KAlock Kz. sk8er boi