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Foals of ๑ Flame ๑

All Foals of ๑ Flame ๑
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
❄ Shadows Thrown {tt} 21 years old Galactic Federation ~R~ Botania {Tt}
☣ Fire in the Sky [ee.aa.Tt] 21 years old Ripley ☣ Red Hot Rebel []
☣ Silver Ties [Ee.AA.Gg.Tt] 21 years old Ripley ~R~ Silver Siren [Tt]
☣ Fires of Chaos [] 20 years old Ripley ◆☪◆ Calamity Jane [tt]
β› Fire In My Heart |72.25 14 years old Spartan β› Golden Love .Ð
β› Lust or Love|56.25|solid 13 years old Blink β› Golden Love .Ð