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Foals of ☘️Firefly

All Foals of ☘️Firefly
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Flavio 19 years old demo | 𝐁𝐇𝐒 ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Misty
☘️Cat’sMeow 18 years old Violet ☘️Kitten
☘️Chickadee 9 years old Violet
☘️DarkEmber 9 years old Violet ◦°˚SJ|53 Favorite Holiday
Fire Pepper “Spice” 7 years old Sally Amanda Paint me a Pepto “Pepper”
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Jupiter 6 years old •Greener Fields• Y
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Pharaoh 6 years old •Greener Fields• Y
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Lightning Bug 6 years old •Greener Fields• Xena
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Bazzi 6 years old •Greener Fields•
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Rickett 6 years old •Greener Fields• ☆| miss lady
Fireheart maybe r 1 year old Sally Amanda Queen of Hearts “Heart”