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Foals of 𝓼. flatterbutton 60

All Foals of 𝓼. flatterbutton 60
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
𝓼. bluebeam 61.10 11 years old Spooks 𝓢☣ Blodwyn Jimmy 80.68
𝓼. pandorum 66.92 6 years old Spooks 𝓼. sunthorn 77.65
𝓼. book of blood 65.18 5 years old Spooks 𝓼. mossglow 81.37
𝓼. day of the animals 68.80 5 years old Spooks 𝓼. mossglow 81.37
ret 0 years old Spooks 𝓼. knock at the cabin 76.21